Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline June 2012

CMGC Regalia

The new License plate frames are going like HOT CAKES and we have ordered 24 more to ensure that we cover the demand. They are still only $14 and can be seen on some of our club members cars and on our web site.

The Club calendars are available for purchase.  They cover our events and go into the first part of 2013.  They have great pictures of club member cars and with a little push,  it could have a picture of your car as well.  They are only $10.

We still have car badges available that would look great on your MG if you don't already have one!! Also, we still have hats and a few other items that are available for viewing and buying at our various events! Thanks to Lisa Perez for handling this for the club.

I want to announce that this is the end of a club tradition regarding regalia that will change on our web site. We have sold almost all of our old inventory of items, so, we are going to eliminate the ordering of regalia through our web site. This will save us money and permit our members to link to where you can purchase high quality customized items on line. Or you can go to and do the same thing. If you have any questions about this feel free to call George at 847-566-5075 and he is more than willing to help you through the process.

Finally! The long awaited name tag order has been submitted. They should be in your hands in a few weeks.

-- George Phariss    

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