Monthly Meeting Minutes
June 16, 2014
Victor, filling in for George, banged the gavel, bringing the surprisingly large and rowdy bunch, to order a the stoke of 8PM.
New Member, Jim Compton with a 78 MGB, will be installing the clutch-slave cylinder and expects to be back on the road.
Dave Bralich had an upper radiator hose split, and he used "Extreme Tape" to fix it to get home, and it worked great! Still sticking!
Ralph Arata, who never talks about his car, started his car and it ran poorly. Got it to idle, but it had no power. He rebuilt the carbs 4 times. Re-timed it, and it didn't help. Club collectively thinks it sounds like a vacuum leak. I think it's a coil issue... More to come from Ralph.
Special Presentation
Then Seth Jones showed an excellent multi-media presentation on MG transmissions.
There then was a short break. Marty Ciesielczyk won $10 in the 50-50 raffle but decided to roll it over until next month!
Staff Reports:
Finance:- Ralph went over the finances, and announced that he is looking for somebody to train to be the Minister of Finance (AKA Treasurer). Talk to Ralph if you're interested
Library: - Wall plaques available, about 8. All the titles are on the website, but Bill doesn't bring them all to the meetings, but if you want something, call or email Bill with your request!
Membership: - About 260 members, down about 20 or so from this time last year.
Regalia: - Plenty to order through our website!
Website: - Barney is on the road, but he says the website is up and running and up-to-date! He's in New Hampshire. Thus far has traveled 5,200 miles in the last 6 weeks, in his MG-A!
Driveline: - Due to moving and internet, Driveline couldn't be published on time! Future issues should be on time though!
Facebook: - Still working
Tech-Coordinator: - Work continues!
Driving Events: - John Kearns saved the Jo Daviess tour at the last minute! Garage Sale happened, with good weather. Lands End rally coming up, as well as the 4th of July parade, and the Garage Tour, and Road America camping trip, and Lake Shore Tour. Drive-In Movie night!
Bill Kalafut is putting together the show at Westmont, and is looking for ideas other than "pop lawn chairs and sit by the cars".
New Business:
Next Driveline you'll see an ad for the Christmas party. 1st Saturday in December.
Meeting adjourned at 9:31 pm.
Respectfully yours,
David Novak