Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline July 2018
Upcoming Events
32nd Annual British Car Festival
Sunday, Sept. 9, 2018 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
(registration closes at 12:30)

Harper College, 1200 West Algonquin Road, Palatine, IL

With more than 500 beautiful cars, this is one of the largest celebrations of British automotive design and engineering in the United States. In addition to the cars, the festival features a variety of classic car parts vendors, presentations, tech workshops, authentic British food and new car dealers showcasing the latest imports from Great Britain. Admission for the general public is free, with donations encouraged for Shelter, Inc., which is a non-profit dedicated to providing community based, emergency and longer-term housing for abused and neglected children. Participant registration fee is $20 before August 22nd $25 after and day of the festival. Prizes are awarded. 

The British Car Festival is organized by the British Car Union, which is a non-profit founded in 1986. It consists of representatives from 20 different Chicagoland British car clubs whose sole purpose is to coordinate the events critical to making the British Car Festival a success each September. For more info:

Wine Cheese Beer Tour
September 14-15-16, 2018

The long-time event is in popular demand so we need to start thinking about signing up now.

We have been planning new routes and new Saturday destination. Blocks of rooms have been set aside at the following hotels. Please make your reservations as soon as possible. Blocks expire by August 14 & 15, respectively.

Friday, Sept 14
LaQuinta Inn & Suites at Rockford, IL. Located at 7401 Walton St., Rockford, IL
Rate is $95 and is under "Chicagoland MG Club"
Phone: 815-227-1300

Saturday, Sept 15
Primary hotel—Holiday Inn Express at Le Claire, IA. Located at 1201 Canal Shore Drive SW, Le Claire, Iowa
Book through this link: Chicagoland MG Club booking link at the Holiday Inn Express Le Claire
Note our rate is $134 for Group Code "CMG". Disregard homepage rate (and the Triumphs pictured)
Or call direct at 563-289-9978 ask for "Chicagoland MG Club Block"

Secondary hotel (about 2 blocks away from Holiday Inn):
Comfort Inn & Suites located at 902 Mississippi View Court, Le Claire, IA 52753
Block rate is $125 and is under "Chicagoland MG Club"
Phone: 563-289-4747

Next communication will provide restaurant / menu information. Please know that our Saturday dinner restaurant will need pre-selected meal and pre-payment to secure a group rate. Details will follow.

Russ & Amy Mehaffey R—847-877-1925

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