Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline July 2019
Upcoming Events

Land’s End Rally
July 6, 2019

Come one come All to the Lands’ End Rally. This year’s Rally proves to be a very delightful drive through the Woodlands of the south west roads of Cook and DuPage Counties.

The Lands’ End Rall will again this year begin July 6 at the Starbucks in Burr Ridge just south of I55 and County Line Rd. The drivers meeting will begin at 9:30 with the first car heading out at 10:00.
A scenic drive on winding roads with a few challenges along the way to test your skill will hopefully be enjoyed by all. We’ll finish up at Del Rhea’s Chicken Basket for an enjoyable lunch. So, come on out for a Great drive and delightful Lunch. See you there
~~ Dean Hickenlooper

Arlington Park Race Track
July 14th, 2019
Chicagoland MG Club/Vintage Club

A Day at the Races
Enjoy a spectacular afternoon watching the pony’s run @ Arlington Park—Races start at 1:35 and run all day.

Tables located under the roof canopy near the start finish line offer an outdoor and shaded seating— excellent view of the live rac-ing. Reserve your seat today. Limited seat available.

The cost will be $18.00 per person – This includes admission into the track. Parking will be additional $$-TBD (I do plan to have all the MGs parked together). You can purchase food, drinks at the track no outside alcohol is allowed into the park; or bring your own cooler for an additional fee.

Further details to follow.

Contact Tim Schafer, to reserve your space (spaces limited)
Call or text 630-261-0212

~~ Tim Schafer

PEDS in the Weeds
August 4, 2019

Once again it’s that time of year for Peds in the Weeds!!

It’s a wonderful event for children with cancer where we give rides in our MGs! I’m looking for a few volunteers to help out this year, anyone interested PLEASE contact me Kerry at or at our next meeting.

This event will take place Sunday, August 4th. You can also reach me at 630-991-0166.
It’s a wonderful event and also so rewarding to see the kids having fun riding in our cars!!!
Thanks again for all of those who have helped in the past!
~~ Kerry Hickenlooper  

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