Dear Readers,
Brevity is the art of saving space, and we have precious little of that! I
had planned a mea culpa on the Driveline?s continuing untimeliness – exigencies
of our busy business intrude. Readers are advised to enjoy Driveline event recaps
and content, as well as (to be sure) details of coming events. But don?t expect lastminute
surprise announcements of early-in-the-month events to be on time. Well,
there shouldn?t be any surprises anyway – things are announced months in advance,
and readers are advised to check the website calendar. And MANY
THANKS to the Readers who show appreciation!
On that subject, two things, past and future, didn?t get in: the August 1st
Transpo Extravaganza Tour recap (which was very photo-rich and I was going
to write because we came in last , me navigating as you can see!), and especially
the Most Fabulous of All: the 24thth Annual British Car Festival, September 12,
–don?t forget to calendar, and be early!) Yes, it?s north again, where it has been
throughout most of it?s illustrious history. (It?s always on my birthday weekend.
How would you like a birthday on 9/11? Well, I get my solace by immersing myself
in Connolly hides, purring Cats, and sculpted British bodywork!)
The annual Chicagoland British Car Festival always features one of
the finest and biggest displays of British cars anywhere in the U.S., including some
for sale. If you want to enter your MG, preregistration discount is until August 22.
For a full weekend of fun, join in running the Donald M. Healey Rally on Saturday,
September 11th.
Lastly, it really made the Tour for Juliana when she drove the MG for
the first time. Ladies, how about a NAVIGATOR‘S TOUR? Switch positions!
Now get out there and drive!