Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline August 2018
Feature Event

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Sarah and Bill Richey and Jack Kahler presented the Triple M Dinner

Jim Schafer guiding Emma with FLOCMGC through the Funkhana (photo Don Ross)

Auctioneer Phil Law entertaining the crowd at the auction

beautiful commemorative coin, good for a free ice cream, in the mail a few months before the GOF. The ice cream parlor/wine and beer store weren’t very far from the resort so that drive wasn’t very long at all and only one MG needed some technical attention when we got there. Or maybe it was just that a bunch of MMM drivers can’t let an opportunity to open the hood and get out a couple of spanners go by unused? Anyway, the ice cream was superb, luckily, we got to keep the coin, and I saw several of us leave with a six pack or case of Spotted Cow. The nearby New Glarus Brewery only distributes in the State of Wisconsin and therefore their beers have long been an unobtainable delicacy for beer lovers from the surrounding States. Every time the CMGC or VMGCC makes a tour through Wisconsin sales of Spotted Cow, one of their most well know brews, spiked. Thursday afternoon also saw the valve cover races, inside the resort. The racers where on display in the registration room and I was surprised how far the design, art, and technology of these has evolved in to beautiful paint jobs and precise frames and wheel alignment.

Car show with TCs in front of the MMMs and the massively large SA and the swap meet in the background
Unfortunately, I missed the races, but I heard that everyone had a great race. The Triple M Register member dinner, in a nearby restaurant, was next on the list of events. Lew Palmer, the NAMMMR registrar had a fun activity to draw attention to the MG P-type, the featured MMM car of the event. We had to write down all of the MG logos and octagons on the PA or PB. Prewar MGs have octagons and MG logos all over and the actual number on the PA and PB is considered the, or one of the, highest. But there is some debate as there is no official number or list known. It made for some good conversations over a drink while we were waiting for the food to come out. Lews’ official answer was 54, but apparently there are a few more on the anti-squeal weights on the brake shoes so the new official number was now 62. However, there was some ongoing debate and we may never know the correct answer after all. After dinner Sarah &
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