Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline September 2018

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The 2nd All aboard 2 Tour event organized and hosted by Jim Compton & Bob Dorley is taking place on Saturday, September 22nd. Don’t miss out on this fascinating event! I hear the Big Steam Trains may be running!!!!

Looking ahead into October, the “FALL” Car Care Safety Clinic for seniors is once again hosted by Jim Vondran is taking place on Saturday, October 13th. Details are in this month’s newsletter.

The Traditional, exhilarating Halloween Rally, once again organized and hosted by Phil & Sandy Wydra will be held on Sunday, October 28th. Drive along the Countryside roads in the Lake, McHenry, Kane and Cook County area. Phil and Sandy intend on having challenges and “spooky” games along the way at various check points, but need some volunteers to help man and run these check points. If anyone is interested in helping and not driving the tour, please contact Phil (224)-622-5340. Make sure to wear your Halloween Costume!!!!

Just a side note, Tim’s Corner” is put on hold due to not a single mishap. Other than a battery issue the night before the Tally Ho and the car having to be push started by my car before leaving for the Tally Ho event, I am happy to announce that Tim Schafer was free and clear of BAD LUCK for the month of August!!! WHOO HOO!!!! (Hope I did not jinx him)!!!

AGAIN: TO ALL ORGANZIERS AND HOSTS when writing up your articles to promote your event, please remember to not only send a copy to Victor L’Heureux but also to Barney Gaylord - and to Greg Hoeft – he will put it in the vintage club newsletter.

Also – for all Hosts and organizers of events, please try to remember to ask for a volunteer to do a write up for your event for the Driveline!!!
~~ Jamie Schafer

Safe travels and “MGreetings”

Members Choice Award

As 2018 is the sixth year of a shared driving events schedule, an award will be given to those who organize, or organize and host together, the ONE driving event that is enjoyed the most - by acclaim from members in both clubs.

This annual award will not be from "competitive" driving results, decided by board members or officers, or based on mileage. It will be awarded based on the "votes" of you, CMGC & VMGCC members - as your "Choice".

"Eligible" driving events are those where both Clubs are invited, and where dash plaques are given. (For 2018, 22 such driving events, as the schedule stands now, would be eligible for a "vote".) To prevent an event from dominating the voting year after year, a driving event cannot be chosen in consecutive years - by not being "eligible" the year after being the "Members Choice".

"Voting" would not be difficult, as we would not ask that a driving events ballot be completed. We would ask that you e-mail your ONE choice by naming the driving event - to a club member (most likely Doug G. Clark).

In the Nov. 2018 Driveline and Vintage Viewpoint a listing of all the 2018 "eligible" driving events will be published with a request to e-mail the name of your ONE driving event - as your "Members Choice" immediately after the season's final driving event (The Cruise to the Rock), so it can get engraved in time to present at this year's holiday party (Sat. 1st Dec.).

A reminder about this new award will be in next month's newsletters, with reminders to be considering the season's driving events, with ONE as your "Choice", in November's e-mail blasts.

In the meantime, continue to support the driving events of our two Clubs - and especially those who organize and host them.

~~ Doug G. Clark

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