Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline September 2018
Special Interest
The Neutralizer - The Next Mission
By Ralph Arata

PROLOGUE: The Neutralizer (aka Ralph Arata) had been called in by the head fed, Dean Hickenlooper on a seek & destroy mission involving the Medina drug cartel trading 2 secret tunnels leading from Mexico to the US for heroin from the Taliban. The Taliban's chief operative, known only as Saladin, was in charge of transporting 2 dirty bombs from the south to the US. The porous nature of America's southern border had always been an issue for the FBI but the President was forced to call in Dean's "special services" to deal with this significant threat!

CHAPTER 5: Dave Novak, The "Farms" computer genius, updated the Neutralizer's satellite screen on the MGB. It clearly showed Saladin's black Mercedes on TX RT 67 south toward the Mexican border. After 20 mins the black Merc turned southeast on TX RT 170 toward Redford TX. However, the soldier now noticed 3 blips on the B's LED screen...not just one. "Dave, any idea where they came from"? The computer genius' reply were probably parked at a pre-arranged spot all along.

The soldier checked his MAC-10 sub gun for full rounds and the Berretta settings for 3 round burst. His Israeli Desert Eagle 44 magnum he placed on the B's passenger with the machine gun. The Neutralizer hit the gas pumping more 95 octane fuel into the thirsty SU carbs. With Steve "The Doctor" Skeggs special attention to the converted 1798cc British iron the B was like a small rocket ship. The Pirelli P-0s grabbed for pay dirt as the MG sprang forward. Catching the 2 "guard cars" before Saladin reached his destination was paramount!

It took but 20 mins for the sports car to gain on the Merc and its 2 guard cars. Novak broke in on the soldier's headset. "I have satellite imaging on the chase cars". "They appear to both be Cadillac ATS-Vs". "464 horsepower and 0-60 in 3.8 secs"!! "Stay frosty there man, the Doc's B might have competition there"! "Thanks Dave, Arata out". The MG roared within a 1/2 mile of the 1st Caddy.

Caddy #1 saw the small British car approaching and thinking it just a tourist out for a top-down joy ride and held back. The Soldier approached slowly not wanting to alert the enemy. The Caddy windows already down filled with gunmen on both sides...there was no waiting as lead filled the space between the MG and the Cadillac. The B's light fiberglass contained bullet proof sheathing under layment. The Neutralizer ducked as 30 caliber rounds bounced from the B's body. "Time to play fair", thought the Soldier and hit the MG's gas pedal to instantly rocket alongside the unsuspecting Cadillac. The Mac 10 with its full metal jacket Nato rounds stitched every window and the awe-struck hard man served over an embankment to their end.

Caddy #2 watched and learned as it slowed. Its gunmen took aim at the nimble MGB from both sides of the American sedan. The aimed for tires and windshield and the "B" took the hits. Scared and somewhat splintered, it roared on. The Neutralizer eased back somewhat as if to retreat relaxing the gunman but that was only a faint. He hit the accelerator hard and passed the Caddy in a NY Second. Arata pulled 2 phosphorous frag grenades from his combat vest the threw them behind..the 2nd Caddy never knew what hit it!

Saladin's Merc was out of sight so the Neutralizer hit the gas and the powerful MGB roared forward once more. Saladin's car soon came into view and there was little doubt in the soldier's mind that the terrorist had seen him too. Especially, when the sun roof opened with a hardman and RPG rocket launcher. The rocket took flights and the soldier had to drive hard to the right to avoid its path. The rocket exploded just behind the "B" and even at high speed the British sports car was pitted with debris. The soldier speeded to within 10 yards of the Merc's left and swerved tight to its right causing the Merc's driver to serve left knocking the second RPG off balance, the rocket now shooting harmlessly into the air. The Mercedes was armored with solid tires so all the Neutralizer could do was use the MG horsepower to try and push it off the road into the soft dessert sand. The "B" hit the Merc's passenger side rear fender once and then twice and the big German car began to fishtail slightly. The MG came on again quickly and the Mercedes rear tires went off road into the sand and stayed there. Arata pulled the "B" up ahead of the Mercedes and quickly exited.

A trio of terrorists exited with Saladin with weapons up and firing. Their Kalashnikovs filling the air with 40mm lead. The Neutralizer hit the dirt losing his sub gun but pulling the Beretta set at tri-burst. He tracked left to right taking the first gunner before moving behind the "B" for cover. The soldier came up and fired the second tri-burst into the 2nd gunner. The 3rd hardman also hit the dirt his sub gun spouting a rain of lead at the MG. The soldier came up again hitting the 3rd gunner and taking him down for good. Saladin was on the run, suitcase containing the dirty bomb in hand. Arata pursued over the hot Texas sands and caught him. Saladin whirled knife in hand and the soldier reacted with the Beretta..a shot to the chest. As Saladin lay dying he looked at the soldier and said, "who are you". The Neutralizer replied saying "I am your judge & jury...enjoy your time with the vestal virgins"! For Saladin the world went black.

Back at the Farm with both bombs recovered Steve "the Doctor" Skeggs looked over a bullet riddled MGB. "Boy, you really are job security for me"!! The soldier just smiled. He knew the Big Fed Dean Hickenlooper was waiting in the war room with yet another call from the President.

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