CMGC Regalia
Another new item has been added to our on line store at Fieldhouse. It is an Ivy League Hat or also known as a Cabby Hat. These new hats are in and going fast, so if you need one, better act quickly.
We also have visors available. Take a look!
Look out for new T Shirts coming soon. Remember you don't have to wait if you go to our on line store at Fieldhouse.
As a reminder, our store address is You can also get there from our Club's web site, just follow the links.
CMGC Nametags are on order!
For the following members who have signed up for the CMGC Nametags, the nametags have been received. I will have the nametags available at the October meeting.
Oscar Gonzales 79 MGB-LE Jim Reakar 72 MGB
Jim Compton 78 MGB Penny L'Heureux 67 MGB
Gerard Geraci 1959 MGA Ellen Silverman Navigator
Terry Gandy
Tim Schafer Pilot/Mechanic 79 MG Midget
Jamie Schafer Navigator 79 MG Midget
Steve Gorr 78 MGB 73 MGB-GT
Liz Gorr 78 MGB 73 MGB-GT