Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline October 2019

Monthly Meeting Minutes
September 16, 2019

Victor Lheureux 29 Members in attendance

CMGC President Dean Hickenlooper opened the meeting at 7:01 pm. Dean welcomed new member Jerry Staraitis, owner of a 1975 Mustard MG Midget.

Staff Reports
- Bill noted Member Ralph Brooks has donated three books. Two of these are oldies, but I’m sure that the laws of physics have not been repealed. We now have two copies of Racing Car Design.
Membership - Victor L’Heureux noted that we currently have 233 paid members with 34 members still delinquent.
Finance - Current accounting indicate we have $6,443 in checking, $18,248 in savings for a total of $24,691

Car Projects
Dave Bralich
noted that Bernie will be hosting a car demo on September 21 at his home - not at Dave Bralich’s. Bernie is at 635 S Lincoln Arlington Heights, IL 60005 starting at 9:00 am. The 1971 MGB has many usable parts to be salvaged. Whatever is remaining will be scrapped.
Pat Guest reminded members will be hosting a continuation of the rail replacement project at his home in Valparaiso on September 28.
Bill Kalafut was refurbishing a aluminum bonnet he picked up recently. After getting it prepped for painting, he did a trial fitting and found the bonnet was warped! He is now looking for a steel bonnet to use. will be hosting a continuation of the rail replacement project at his home on August 31st.

Driving Events
Past Driving/Social Event Schedule
(additional details of these events are in the October Driveline issue)
    August 24 - rescheduled Aug 10 date for Autocross III with the Windy City Miata Club


    September 7 - Meadowdale Motorsports & Memories car show. Dino noted attendance was great this year with over 300 cars on display.
    September 8 - British Car Festival - Lower turnout this year, could have been the rainy weather. Still there was over 370 cars on display, 87 of these were MGs!
Upcoming Driving/Social Event Schedule (additional details of these events are in the October Driveline issue)
    September 20-22 - Wine, Cheese & Beer Tour
    September 28 - Volo Car Museum
    October 12 - Car Safety Clinic for Seniors
    October 27 - Halloween Rally
    November 3 - Fall tune-down and Chili Party

Break/ 50:50 raffle – CMGC member Kerry Hickenlooper was the winner of $73.

New Business
Holiday Party – The annual Holiday Party for CMGC & VMGCC members and guests will be held in January this year. The location will be the Diplomat West on North Avenue (across the street from Mack’s Golden Pheasant) on January 11th the cost this year will be $40 per person. There is plenty of room for all our members and the parking lot is huge!
2020 Staff Nominations-—Dean noted this is the time to nominate members for the four open staff positions.

With no further business to discuss, Phil closed the meeting at 7:58 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Victor L’Heureux, CMGC Secretary


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