The Steering Column
Left Hand Drive
from our President
Well it's that time of year again. Leaves changing color, cool brisk mornings and only a few driving events left. The best part about this time of year is DRIVING! Yes, driving top-down, running the rpm up high and getting the most out of the last few months of the driving season before the inevitable time comes to tuck'em in for the winter.
Have you ever noticed how your MG seems to have a little more power with the cool moist air of the fall season? Mine feels like it's got an extra 5 HP or so. If you think about it the air is denser when cold and moisture only add to that. So, when a denser air mixture is drawn into the engine you get a bigger BANG!
Well enough about that. Moving on elections are coming up again and I hope I can count on your vote for reelection. I'd like to publicly thank Bill for the nomination. Tim Schafer will again be my campaign manager.
I'm grateful to have had the opportunity to serve you and the club this past year and looking forward to continued service in the year to come with the help of your vote. So, remember to vote soon and vote often! Cheers
~~ Dean Hickenlooper
your humble servant
The Steering Column
Right Hand Drive
from our Vice-President
I can’t believe the 2018 driving season is almost over already. Where has summer gone? I must admit to having been (still am) in a bit of a funk. This whole retirement thing isn’t quite what I expected. I keep wondering how I ever had time to work.
I have been taking on phase-2 of organize my life, the garage phase. It’s amazing how much junk I’ve collected over the last 30 years, and how much I still want to keep. I’ve been researching ideas for better garage organization. I built a prototype spray can, and oil bottle holder. I plan on making a much larger version for my garage.
This has me thinking about all the other things I should build to make my garage better. Rolling work bench, put rollers on my parts washer, build a rolling cart for my ignition scope and so forth. You see the theme here? Everything needs to roll. That way I can begin to plan garage phase 3. Phase 3 is make my garage livable. More outlets, pipe in the air compressors. Yes, I have more than one. I hope by combining my compressors I’ll actually get sufficient air flow to use my media blast cabinet effectively.
Anyways. My garage is currently uninsulated and does not have drywall on the walls or ceiling. So in the winter it gets darn cold. I’ve got a big torpedo heater which can make up for that but it’s very noisy when it’s running and too big for the garage. So I’m constantly turning it off and on. And when I fire it back up, I have to open all the doors because of the stink for the first minute of running. I hope I can get through this phase and onto phase 3 before my wife decides we are moving to a new house (downsizing). No firm plans on that yet but we both recognize that our current house will be too big for just the two of us, once my daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter buy their new home.
It’s time to nominate and elect club officers. ALL Positions are open for nominations. If you’re interested, please speak up.
Well till next month. Thank you all!
Safety Fast