Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline November 2018

Newer Directions
Monthly Column of Driving Events

GOBBLE GOBBLE MG enthusiasts!!!

November really sets the tone for winter’s arrival….and I’M NOT READY FOR IT!!!! We all want that warm breeze in our face with our car tops down and cursing on our wonderful tours and rallies!!!

It is, however, the month to be “Thankful for”. I think it is fair to say that we are all thankful for driving such GREAT cars, thankful for the incredible friendships we have made with our MG members and most of all thankful to be part of the BEST CAR CLUB in the Chicagoland area!!!!!! (AND THE CROWD GOES CRAZY!!!!!!) YAY!!!!!!!!!!

The Fall Car Care Safety Clinic for seniors hosted by Jim Vondran took place on Saturday, October 13th. Once again, this event was very successful and gratifying to both the seniors and our club members. There were 80 cars that showed up for a quick inspection and some expertise advice from 7 MG club members.

I will have to recap on the legendary Halloween Rally, organized and hosted by Phil and Sandy Wydra. This rally took place on Sunday, October 28th. Can’t wait to tell you who won the best costume and the winners of the SPOOKY CHALLENGES!!!

This month has (2) two last events for the season…..(SAY IT ISN”T SO!!!!)

On November 4th, Dave “Cowboy” Bralich will host the Fall Tune Down. This will take place November 4th. I will tell you all about the event next month! I planned to go….to learn a little bit about the cars, ease drop on the guys conversations and see if their gossip stands up to us ladies and our conversations when we get together….HA! Seriously, I am really only going for Dave’s FAMOUS Chili!! YUMMM!!

AGAIN… a reminder for the final driving event for this year’s calendar is the HISTORICAL Cruise to the Rock, hosted and organized again by Jake and Ann Snyder. This drive takes place on Thursday, Thanksgiving morning, November 22nd. The details are in this month’s Driveline.


One last call for our lovely Chicagoland MG & Vintage MG Club Holiday party on Saturday, December 1st at the Wheat Stack in Lisle, IL. There is limited space for this event, so please sign up and make your reservations as soon as possible. Bring a wrapped gift for the grab bag gift exchange. I will also be presenting this year’s winners for the driving events and rallies. All the information is listed in this month’s issue.

We are also introducing a BRAND NEW award – The MEMBERS CHOICE AWARD. This honors the member’s favorite event/rally for the 2018 driving season. Doug Clark has all the information and detailed instructions written in this month’s newsletter. It is CRITICLE that all votes get in right after the last event (cruise to the rock) November 22nd and NO LATER than Monday, November 26th. Doug will present the “MAIDEN” Member’s Choice award to the host(s) and organizer(s) at the Holiday Party.

I wish everyone GOOD HEATH and delightful, DELICIOUS Thanksgiving holiday!!!

AGAIN:  TO ALL ORGANZIERS AND HOSTS when writing up your articles to promote your events, please remember to not only send a copy to CMGC Driveline editor Victor L’Heureux and Barney Gaylord but also to Greg Hoeft - – for inclusion in the VMGCC Vintage Viewpoint newsletter.

Also – for all Hosts and organizers of events, please try to remember to ask for a volunteer to do a write up for your event for the Driveline!!!

Safe travels and “MGreetings”

~~ Jamie Schafer

Steve's British Connection British Wiring
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