Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline January 2021

Victor Lheureux
Monthly Meeting Minutes
December 21, 2020

29 Members in ZOOM video meeting

CMGC President Phil Wydra opened the meeting at 7:00 pm.

Meeting Minutes --November meeting minutes as written in the Driveline were approved.

Car Projects:
None noted at this time.

Staff Reports
Treasurer - Jim Compton
– Reported earlier this month the accounts are: $2,703 checking, $24,555 savings, Total $27,258.
Library – Paul Pickley reported that five VHS videos were donated to the club library.
Membership – Victor L’Heureux - No changes in membership since last month report - Paid membership is 210 members. Voting ballot and dues envelopes are being distributed along with the 2020 Membership Directory.

Driving Event
No driving events were scheduled. A Zoom Holiday Party hosted by Doug Clark and Brian Dugan was held on December 12th and attended by over 20 members from the CMGC and VMGCC. A MG-related scavenger hunt and musical trivia contest were held.

Old Business.
CMGC Website
– For several years now discussions on updating the ‘look’ of the club website have taken place without satisfying results. Renewed interest by several club members has sparked a few proposals detailing possible solutions. The proposal estimates ranged from a few hundred dollars to near $12,000. Discussions of content and features needed by the club were broken down into a number of areas – membership, ePayments, club events, technical articles, resources, classifieds, etc. Technical information contained on the website has been getting the most past views according to Webmaster Barney Gaylord. Concerns of maintenance and ease of entering new material were discussed. A future meeting to discuss this issue further was scheduled for Monday December 28th.


New Business.
Zoom meeting
– Currently the club is using a free Zoom Session restricted to 40 minutes and 100 participants. This time restriction is not sufficient to discuss club issues. A purchased license for Zoom sessions would allow for 100 participants and up to 30 hours of meeting time. Jim Compton volunteered to set up a Zoom account for the club.

Swap Meet – Jim Evans noted that the annual Swap Meet is in limbo at his time due to the COVID restrictions. We currently have established a March 21st date for the event with the DuPage Fairgrounds Association. To allow the club to assure our past vendors that we are still attempting to hold this event, Jim requested funding to design and distribute postcards to address this issue. This request will be further.

With no further business to discuss, meeting closed at 7:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Victor L’Heureux,
CMGC Secretary

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