Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline January 2021
Special Article

Continued from page 9)

Going through Canada Corner at Road America

So, on a Saturday afternoon in late Sept, I found myself camping on the woodsy infield grounds of Road America with my pickup, the B laden trailer, and a tent. The trees were starting to turn. The next morning, I lined up on false grid along with about twenty other drivers to take our first of three, twenty-minute sessions on the track. Again, I didn’t have the luxury of an instructor riding with me. I did review some YouTube videos of drivers who GO-Pro’d their laps. So, I wasn’t completely driving blind and got through the first lap unscathed.

The next two or three laps I was feeling more daring. I had dived in too early in turn four, and quickly found out that the car did not want to turn left. I hit the rather deep toothed rumble strips that shook the bejeevers out of me, before the car responded to turning. Checked the rear-view mirror for possible car parts left on the track.

On my fifth lap I saw it. It was a Mazda Miata, and I was actually catching up to it. This was a rare event as I am the one usually and humbly being passed. Stock MGBs are not speed demons.

I got to get this guy and I did catch up to him. There is something about a rolling target up ahead that all of sudden transforms you into Mario Andretti. I was so zealous to pass him but ran into three obstacles: 1. You can only pass on the straights and I was about mile from the front straight. 2. A yellow flag came out - you can’t pass till you see a green flag. 3. He pulled off into the pits. I guess he had a mechanical issue or for some reason didn’t feel comfortable being on the track. That’s the story for you readers, but for my bar friends, I scared the s.o.b. off the track!

The twenty-minute session was over. I drove back to my campsite- just sat there in the B in a melancholy moment and absorbed what had just happened. With driver helmet still on I gave a pat on the dashboard grateful that the car performed well. Now it’s to wait for the early afternoon session. Cursedly it started raining about thirty minutes before my track time. Very disappointed, but sorry, I no drive in the rain. Done that with bad memories. I loaded up the tent and the B and left beaming with satisfaction.

Turn 4 on the Milwaukee Mile oval.

Kevin Carlson in #72

Now I am looking forward to the 2021 racing season. Hope we are all vaccinated, and this COVID-19 crap is behind us. My goals are to run faster (duh). I left a ton of speed on the tracks that I raced on. I was flat out on the straights, but I could have braked later and step on the gas sooner in the corners. Got to work on downshifting (it’s not the same approaching suburban street stoplight Intersections). Passion goal accomplished? You bet!

~~ Kevin Carlson

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