Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline January 2023

Newer Directions
Monthly Column of Driving Events

Hello 2023!!!!

I hope everyone had a WONDERFUL HOLIDAY and New Years and Santa gave you all the things you wished for!!!! I just asked for World Peace, Love and Happiness…… LOL!! (I truly do wish for that for all of us), but actually, I did not ask for much……I HAVE ENOUGH!!!!! LOL!! (well…. what’s enough – I ask myself……????) And… if I say that - Tim will hold me to those words forever -SO……. I TAKE IT BACK!!!!!! The truth is…. I just didn’t have time to shop for myself so I could give Tim the gifts to wrap and give to me for Christmas!!! LOL!!! TRUE STORY!!!!!

He did surprise me and shopped all on his own this year – He gets some major points for that!!!!!! GREAT JOB HONEY!!!!!!!!!

Let’s see…. Looks like it’s going to be a VERY COLD SNOWY WINTER…at least that’s the way it started out right before Christmas……Now is the TIME TO HIBERNATE and catch up on our “HONEYDO” lists ladies, because you know the Hubby’s won’t have any time come April when they get their “Babies” out of storage. Then all their time will be spent on tinkering in the garage and working on the cars and putting our projects around the house off – you know what they’ll say – “I’ll do it tomorrow” …. and tomorrow comes around the next week (if we’re lucky) or the following month (if we’re lucky) or until we nudge and “Hock” them enough!!!! I’m very good at that!! LOL!!!!


There are no events scheduled this month, however, do mark your calendars and sign up for the Amtrak Road Trip hosted and organized by Ann & Jake Snyder taking place on February 3rd thru the 5th. There was a big article written in last months driveline with all the details. This is a FABULOUS EVENT you won’t want to miss! If you need more information or have any questions contact Ann or Jake – their number and email is in the article from last month’s newsletter and will most likely be in this months Driveline as well.

The Annual Awards Banquet is in the works – I believe they are looking at a date in March 2023. I will be presenting the 2022 Driving events awards that evening. I am REALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO IT and hope the turn out is 60 plus members!!!!…so with that said… I BETTER SEE MOST OF YOUR THERE!!!!! It really is a great night and celebration of the previous years events and a great time to gather and socialize amongst our MG “family” members!!! There should be more information coming soon on the details and signing up for this very SPECIAL evening!!!!!

STAY WARM and safe and well!

~~Jamie Schafer  

Auto Appraisal Group

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