Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline February 2021

Victor Lheureux
Monthly Meeting Minutes
January 18, 2021

29 Members in ZOOM video meeting

CMGC President Phil Wydra opened the meeting at 7:01 pm.

Meeting Minutes - December meeting minutes as written in the Driveline were approved with two corrections – misspelling of Brian Dubin’s name and his participation in the Zoom Holiday Party.

Car Projects:
None noted at this time.

Staff Reports
Treasurer - Jim Compton
– Reported earlier this month the accounts are: $3,273 checking, $22,556 savings, Total $25829.
Library – Paul Pickley reported no new additions were donated to the club library. Membership – Victor L’Heureux - No changes in membership since last month report - Paid membership is 210 members. Currently processing membership renewals.

Driving Event
This year’s driving events are being scheduled in anticipation for a better year. The schedule so far has tentative dates for Swap Meet (March 21), Spring Tune-up (April 17), Car Care Clinic (May 8 and October 9) NAMGBR 2021 Convention (June 14-17), Westmont Cruise Nite (mid-August) and Halloween Rally (mid-October) were scheduled.


Old Business.
CMGC Website
– Phil noted a survey was distributed to the membership regarding the website update. Responses so far were mixed. A committee of five members has been identified to investigate the received proposals detailing possible solutions and report their progress to the CMGC staff. Webmaster Barney Gaylord will be a consulting member to the group.

Swap Meet – Jim Evans noted that the annual Swap Meet is still in limbo at this time due to the COVID restrictions. We currently have established a March 21st date for the event with the DuPage Fairgrounds Associatio. Responses to an email survey sent to past vendors are slowly being received. Since it is possible we could lose our assigned space if we move the event date, alternate sites were discussed – Odeum Expo Center in Villa Park, Vasa Park South Elgin, Boomers Stadium (Wintrust Field) parking lot Schaumburg. Jim will continue to investigate these alternate sites.
  New Business
No new business noted at this time.

With no further business to discuss, meeting closed at 7:39 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Victor L’Heureux,
CMGC Secretary

Chicagoland MG Club
Staff Position Elections

Melissa Gonzales—
New CMGC Officer
Even though this year’s election was uncontested, it is no less important than any other year. First off we’d like to thank our outgoing Vice-President Dean Hickenlooper for all the time, hard work and dedication to the club.

Melissa Gonzales is welcomed in as our new Vice-President. Phil Wydra, Victor L’Heureux and Jim Compton stay on as President, Secretary and Treasurer respectively.

The club officers wish to thank all members submitting your ballots on time for this election.

A thank you goes out to Dave ‘Cowboy’ Bralich for again serving as our election official.

Elected Staff Positions                    Candidates as of October
President Phil Wydra
Vice-President Melissa Gonzales
Secretary/Membership       Victor L’Heureux
Treasurer Jim Compton

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