Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline February 2021
Upcoming events

SWAP MEET 2021 ???

For the last 24 years this has been the time when club members begin planning for our annual “All Sports Car Swap Meet & Autojumble”. Last year, we were able to conduct this event just before COVID-19-related restrictions were being placed on group gatherings. We were, in fact, just about the last group to use our DuPage county Fairgrounds site before the door slammed shut.

Several months ago we tentatively reserved our usual spot for March 21 at the DuPage County Fairgrounds with no contractual commitment and the understanding that we could cancel if group gatherings were still prohibited at that time. We have contacted our continuing vendors with this information and polled them regarding their likely attendance should restrictions be lifted. By and large, the responders indicated a continuing interest in seeing the event staged somehow, someway, somewhere in the upcoming months.

At this time, it seems that the March date will probably not be possible unless COVID-19 vaccine becomes widely available by then and group size rules relax significantly. So our traditional event is “on hold” with no specific alternative. We are exploring the ideas of alternate dates and alternate sites, especially outdoor sites that would comply with pertinent group rules in late spring. An ideal outdoor site would be paved, large enough for plenty of parking, close to main roads, and exempt from politically controlled rigid mandates. Any suggestions on such locations would be welcomed and pursued; please contact me if you have a thought.

~~ Jim Evans

Spring Tune-up
Saturday April 17, 2021, 12noon-4PM

First let me apologize to John Kander, Fred Ebb, and my distant cousin Liza for this riff (rip-off) of their award winning song. I have no shame. And excuse my French.

  What good is sitting alone in your garage?
Come hear the exhaust play.
Life is a cabriolet, Old Chum!
Come with your cabriolet.
Put down the knitting, the book, and the broom.
Life is a cabriolet, Old Chum!
Come with your cabriolet!

Start by admitting from cradle to tomb,
It isn’t that long a stay.
Life is a cabriolet Old Chum!
And I love a cabriolet!
(GTs also)

Yes Virginia, there is a spring tune-up scheduled for this year. After last year’s hiatus (thanks C-19) we are invited back to Don’s Auto Ade in Warrenville on Saturday April 17th, 2021. We will follow the same format as in years past, except we probably won’t retire to a local pub afterwards, social distancing you know. Further details will follow in next month’s exciting issue of the Driveline.

~~ Bill Mennell  

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