Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline February 2023
Upcoming Events

Procrastination Day
AKA Spring Tune-up

Saturday April 15, 2023, 12noon-4PM

No, I’m not implying that any of us have put off those over-winter car projects, I’m referring to preparing income tax forms that are usually due on April 15th so that the IRS can get their pound(s) of flesh. This year with the 15th falling on a Saturday, Washington and Springfield have graciously given us until midnight of the 17th to file. What to do with those extra 48 hours before doing the paperwork that you probably should have done by Mid-March?

Why not spend Saturday afternoon in scenic Warrenville where Don’s Auto Ade will again host the Chicagoland MG Club’s Spring Tune-up? Change the oil, lube, and if you are brave enough, inspect the underside of your car. Who knows what evils have been lurking there over winter? That still leaves all day Sunday and most of Monday to file the aforementioned paperwork. Plenty of time left to procrastinate.

Saturday April 15th, 12 noon until 4PM. Same routine as we have followed for the past several years. Further details will follow next month.

~~ Bill Mennell        

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