Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline March 2020
Upcoming Events
Spring Tour
(May 15-17, 2020

Ric and Nancy Maitzen are planning a GREAT Spring Tour. The tour destination will be announced soon, I can’t wait to hear what exotic countryside we are going to experience this year. Stay Tuned!


The 1st Miata Autocross is tentatively scheduled for Sunday May 17th. This date is not yet confirmed and may change.

~~Jim Compton    

MGs on Parade
(in the LaGrange Pet Parade)!!
May 30, 2020

For many years the VMGCC participated in the annual LaGrange Pet Parade - driving MGs in it! We thought it would be a good idea to try to drive our cars in it again, both Clubs together.

This Parade was first staged in 1947 benefiting Pet Parade Charities, an organization that supports animal care and the bonds between kids and animals. Many non-profit groups take part in the Parade, but only after their entry forms are approved by the Parade Committee. We submitted an entry form for our two Clubs to participate in it (driving our MGs)…AND WE HAVE BEEN APPROVED!!

So, mark your calendar for Saturday 30th May at 9:30 a.m.

The Parade committee thinks we will be able to drive up to 20 cars. In addition, those in our Clubs who wish to walk with pets should be able to do so. The Parade ends near a carnival in LaGrange, so this would be a good chance for the kids and grandkids to have some more fun after the Parade.

Information on the necessary individual registration or entry forms, both to drive and walk in the Parade, will be provided at Club meetings, in the May 2020 newsletters, and in the e-mail blasts.

To get more background on this annual event, see the LaGrange Pet Parade web site. Also, you can watch videos of past parades on the Internet.

~~ Doug Clark    
Doug G. Clark
Safety Fast!

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