Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline March 2021

Victor Lheureux
Monthly Meeting Minutes
February 15, 2021

31 Members in attendance

CMGC President Phil Wydra opened the ZOOM meeting at 7:00 pm. Phil introduced the new CMGC Staff member – Melissa Gonzale – replacing Dean Hickenloope as Vice-President.

Swap Meet
Jim Evans
reported that after investigating alternate indoor/outdoor venues, the most promising site was the DuPage County Fairgrounds outside area. A date of June 6th was tentatively scheduled.

Car Projects:
Dean Hickenlooper
is currently working on restoring a MGA. Updates are noted in the Driveline newsletter and Facebook entries.

New Business
Jim Evans
suggested the CMGC Board of Directors consider and discuss adding a new bylaw that would limit the Board from spending above a certain level without general membership approval. The specific parameters - actual amount limits, how-to-implement, feasibility, etc., - are what should be evaluated by the Board.

CMGC Annual Business Meeting
A complete summary of the Annual Business Meeting can be found on the CMGC website in the ‘members only’ section. You will need the member name and password.

- 2020 Summary – Phil Wydra – 2020 saw several initiatives accomplished with a few still on-the-table for the new year. A club MGA project car was completed and sold in the Spring. The Traveling Mechanics resolved several members’ issues a committee was formed to address the possibility of updating the club website.

- Membership - Victor L’Heureux - Membership decreased to 226 paid members at years’ end with 21 new members joining the CMGC in 2020. Our current renewals to-date for 2021 total 129 members. This is less than previous year’s renewal progress which may reflect the dues envelopes being sent out one month late There are potentially 97 current members that have not yet renewed their membership to-date.


- Regalia - George Phariss – Regalia sales were primarily made during monthly meetings. With the advent of COVID, no meetings were held for a majority of 2020.Therfore, no inventory was reduced this year. Goal is to continue to deplete inventory of old non-selling inventory through the 50/50 raffle or other processes; and to continue to look for new items of regalia that club members would be interested in and either have Lands’ End stock them or purchase them.

- Library - Wilbur Mennell/ Paul Pickley - In 2020 six books and five VHS tapes were added thru donations. This brings the total number of items (books, DVDs, VHS, and CDs) to 265. This includes some duplicates. No items were purchased this year. The library inventory is on a computer spreadsheet, which will be emailed to the members periodically.

-Driveline - Victor L’Heureux - The CMGC Driveline was successfully published and distributed via two methods of delivery to over 250 members and other MG car clubs monthly. The average publication contains 20 pages of club activities and articles.

- Treasurer Report – Jim Compton – The year ended with $2,702 in checking, $24,556 in savings for a total of $27,258. Swap Meet attendance was down 52% from 2020 resulting in a $823 loss of revenue. Gross Profit on the MGA project sold to international buyer was $2003.14.

- Driving Events – Jamie Schafer - There were no driving events in 2020 due to the pandemic, although there were a few impromptu drives organized by individual members. A unique dash plaque was designed for the 2020 non-driving season and distributed to members in December. Retention of the driving awards for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishers in the rallies for the 2021 driving season and dash plaques will remain the same.

With no further business to discuss, President Phil Wydra closed the business meeting at 8:10 pm. Doug Clark provided entertainment in the form of a ‘Name that Tune’ event.

Respectfully submitted,
Victor L’Heureux,
CMGC Secretary

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