Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline March 2022
Special Article

Tales of the Mongrel
by Ralph Arata
The Neutralizer UK - Chapter 3 Hard Probe

The Neutralizer and Gunner had been directed by the US Justice Department’s top fed, Melissa Gonzales to meet with a MI-6 agent known as the “Ghost” (Douglas Clark) to coordinate efforts to approach carry on surveillance and eliminate, if necessary, a possible chemical warfare threat in the north of England. The 2 soldiers travelled via a military C-130 that also contained the Neutralizer race prepared MGB. They met the Ghost at Manchester Airport and followed behind his 1967 TR-250 to an abandoned brick factory at Wild Boar Clough just north of Macclesfield. The area was desolate covered with the moors. Except for just a few sheep farms and a pub no other humans were present. The 3 soldiers had approached the factory with Gunner setting his snipers nest and the Neutralizer doing a soft probe of the plant.

Continuing Story:
The Ghost and the Neutralizer looked at each other as they also surveyed the factory floor. The MI-6 agent was the first to speak. “It looks as if the chemical manufacture we feared is here”. The Neutralizer looked back. “Yes, the Cytotoxic mutation agent is here….our next move is obvious”. Arata reached into his combat sack and pulled 8 thermal charges. The thermites would super heat the production area and erase all traces of the CYT agent. He gave 4 to Clark and took the other 4 himself. The two soldiers worked the left and right side of the chemical plant. They easily by passed the few workers in their HazMat suits due to the size of the basement floor. They met back at the stairs leading back up to the main floor.

As they started up the steps Gunner broke in over the Neutralizer’s headset. “Heavies coming in right and left”. “Some sort of silent alarm must have been triggered”. The Ghost and Neutralizer broke into a run. The situation called for being clear of both the hard guys and the detonation of the thermals. Outside from his perch, Gunner took aim with the Barrett M82 sniper rifle and let loose. The first hard guy went down without a sound and the one behind him only had time to look up before receiving a head shot. As the two soldiers emerged from the stair, they were flanked by 4 bad guys in black. The Neutralizer stitched the 2 on the right with a tri-burst from the 93R Berretta and Clark took one on the left with his Ruger. That left

Outside the factory more combatants were on the way and quick evac was mandatory. The Neutralizer hit the remote GPS finder for the MGB starting the British sports up at the Cat & Fiddle Pub and sending it toward his position via Dino Perez’s (aka Gadgets) ingenious GPS system with full 360 camera positioning to keep the car heading toward its driver. The next few minutes would be do or die for the 3 good guys. Gunner kept “Amy” tracking taking down bad guys but there seemed to be almost a small army of them. They were also getting wise to the sniper and taking cover to try and pin Clark and Arata down. “Clear out” was the call over the headset from the Neutralizer to Gunner and the sniper pulled his Barrett M82 and started back to the Cat & Fiddle. He kept low but travelled fast. The MG pulled up close to the Neutralizer and he and Clark (aka the Ghost) broke from cover to the car’s side. 9MM rounds hit the armoured side of the B. In the car the Ghost quickly found the MP-5 sub gun and sprayed the area with 9mm full-metal jacket parabellums. The B’s 4 sticky Pirelli P-1s tyres dug for pay dirt on the gravel driveway away and the 2 agents were off. Pursuit would follow so retrieving Gunner and the Ghost’s TR-250 fast was paramount.

Reaching the pub found Gunner already in the TR with the engine running and so the Neutralizer kept the B going with Gunner falling in behind. Over the head set the Neutralizer checked in with Gunner! “Gunner, take the Macclesfield Rd the A34 – we’ll meet at Moor House in Brereton Heath”!! “Roger that, stay frosty”, came the reply. The Neutralizer and Ghost hit the gas and the immediate response punched the British iron forward. The Neutralizer was thinking that this operation had Sir William written all over it. Just then the thermites charges back at the plant ignited.

“I will show you what this baby will do” said the soldier to the British MI-6 agent. “OK SOLDIER, TIME FOR YOU TO WAKE UP AND SHOW THIS WIFE WHAT YOU CAN DO IN THE GARAGE” came the call from Susan my wife. I shook myself awake from the couch and knew I hadn’t finished the spring cleaning and that would catch up to me.

Another excellent dream….WOW, these are getting better all the time!

Next Chapter – Final Test

~~Ralph Arata      

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