March 2023
Chicagoland MG Club
P.O. Box 455
Addison, IL 60101
Natter ‘n’ Noggin, Raddatz Garage, LaGrange Highlands, IL — March 8, 2023
CMGC Meeting—Mr. Beef and Pizza, Mt Prospect – March 20, 2023
Chicagoland MG Club’s National Affiliates

To stay with the UT in Karel’s postcard, here is a greetings card from the MG Car Club, with a YT in front of The Barley Mow just 5 miles East of Abingdon on the River Thames. The photographer was Neville Mariner. I don’t know when and why the card was published.
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©2023 Chicagoland MG Club, All rights reserved.