Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline April 2021

Newer Directions
Monthly Column of Driving Events


We have been getting a TRUE taste of SPRING like weather – warm sunny days teasing us into hoping it will last and continue to get warmer as I see my tulips popping up and I see more and more cars with their tops down crusin’ around!!!! As we all know – April is up and down with inconsistent temperatures, but as the saying goes…APRIL SHOWERS BRING MAY FLOWERS!!!! Hoping for NOT TOO MANY SHOWERS….. I think we are due for Sunny days and DESERVE a FUN FILLED driving season!! I just can’t wait to SEE EVERYONE!!!!!

To kick off the 2021 events, please do NOT miss out on the Spring Tune-up this month on Saturday April 17th. Bill Mennell (aka: Wilbur) will be hosting this event at Don’s Auto Ade in Warrenville, IL. All the details have been listed in previous Drivelines and will once again appear in this month’s issue.

As I mentioned in last month’s issue, there are 2 (two) MG Events Scheduled in May.

The Car Care Safety Clinic for Seniors hosted by Jim Vondran will take place on Saturday May 8th. Come on out and help the seniors with their cars!! It is truly a gratifying day out! I’m sure there will be a lot of smiling faces and long overdue conversations with the guys!!! I know everyone will just be happy to able to get out and interact again!!!
The Chicken Run Rally is back once again!!!! It is scheduled for Sunday May 23rd, hosted by Ray & Sue Hansen. This Rally has always been a GREAT event!!! I am really looking forward to participating in it!! Hope to see many of you there as well! All details will be in this month’s Driveline for both events.


Please watch for events coming up in June! Ray Costa has plans to organize and host a driving event scheduled for Sunday, June 6th. The driving event is the Lake County Fun Run!!!! More details to follow next month.

The BIG (2) two National Registry EVENTS coming up are the NAMGBR, scheduled for Monday, June 14th – Thursday June 17th in Atlantic City, NJ and the GOF Central, scheduled for Wednesday June 23rd –Saturday June 26th in Marshall Michigan. More information will be posted in this month and next month’s Driveline.

Now that I have some events to talk about, I no longer need my “Fun fact filler”….My article will Be too long……….and I KNOW to keep it under 2 pages if possible!!!!

Hope those of you who celebrate had a nice Passover and for those celebrating this month, have a wonderful Easter!!!

Be well and stay safe!!!!
Jamie Schafer

~~Jamie Schafer  

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