April 2022

Tales of the Mongrel
by Ralph Arata
The Neutralizer UK - Chapter 4 “Final Test”
Prologue: The Neutralizer and Gunner had been directed by the US Justice Department’s top fed, Melissa Gonzales to meet with a MI-6 agent known as the “Ghost” (Douglas Clark) to coordinate efforts to approach, carry on surveillance and eliminate, if necessary, a possible chemical warfare threat in the north of England. The 3 agents had infiltrated the abandoned brick factory at Wild Boar Clough just north of Macclesfield. They completed their soft probe, ID’d the chemical threat and planted the thermite charges. Late, they were discovered, a fire fight ensued with Gunner retreating from his sniper nest and Ghost with the Neutralizer escaping in the race prepared MGB..
Final Chapter: It was late afternoon which in the UK brings initial darkness and as Ghost and the Neutralizer raced the MG away from the plant, they saw the glow of the thermite charges igniting behind them – initial mission accomplished! Ghost was riding shot gun with the MP-5 sub gun on his lap. The Neutralizer glanced at the B’s rear-view and saw a Dodge 300 coming up fast, the big American car taking up most of the English carriageway. “Get ready for contact Ghost”, the soldier said. “The Plexiglas wind break behind the seats is bullet proof so you can easily shoot over it and be protected.” Clark was already there with the nose of the sub gun cradled on top of the glass.
As the Dodge came in range the Ghost let loose with a shower of 9mm parabellums taking out both front tyres. The Dodge swayed hopelessly to the left and off the road careening into a stone wall. The Neutralizer hit the throttle of the MG and the 2 soldiers continued their travel to the CIA safe house in Congelton. Almost immediately a second Dodge 300 emerged behind the B but this one came with guns blazing. Arata passed his last clip to the Ghost which Clark drove home in the sub gun. The Plexiglas took repeated hits from the Dodge and began to pock mark. Ghost let loose with a barrage across the Dodge’s windshield taking its driver and passenger out. The Dodge slowed to a stop to the roadside and lodged in holly hedges vs. the previous stone walls that no longer lined the carriageway. Clark looked again and saw not one but two more Dodge 300s heading toward them. The Neutralizer handed the Ghost his Israeli Dessert Eagle 45 hand cannon which Clark put right to work. As the Ghost focused with the handgun the sunroof of the leading Dodge opened and a hard guy popped through it with an RPG. The Neutralizer saw the rocket launcher being pointed at the MGB and feared the worse. Arata hit the gas and the Pirelli P-0s dug for pay dirt as the British car accelerated…….as fast as the B was it would not outrun the rocket.
Then suddenly without notice, the RPG hard guy flopped to one side, dropped the rocket launcher which tumbled off the Dodge to the ground as he fell back into car. A second shot took the driver out and the Dodge fell to the side into the hedges. The Dodge behind could not avoid the launcher, hit it, and exploded. With both cars out of action the soldier slowed the MG and pulled it to the side of the carriageway. The 2 soldiers exited the B to catch their breath and reconnoitre. “Hey guys, what’s shaken” came a voice from behind the holly hedge. Clark and Arata looked to see Gunner pop up out of nowhere, his sniper rifle in hand. Gunner looked at the 2 soldiers and said, “I thought you might need some help after seeing those bad guys take off after you from that brick plant”. “Thought this might be a good place to setup my nest”. “Hey Ghost, that TR-250 is quite a car”. “Got me out from the pub pronto”. The Neutralizer and Ghost just smiled, happy to be away from the chaos and united with their friend.
Gunner and Arata got into the B and Ghost took control of his 1967 TR-250 once again. The 2-car caravan headed back toward the A54 and Congelton to the safe house. At Moor House on Brereton Heath Lane the 3 agents commiserated the mission and then the Neutralizer called Susan Simpson, the mission controller back at the Farm, to arrange transport of the 2 Americans and the MGB. The destruction of the chemical plant threat was a success but one without any leads as to who or why except that the project had the notorious Sir William signature on it. At Manchester Airport the next morning Gunner and the Neutralizer said farewell to the Ghost who exited back toward the A54 in his Triumph. The MG was loaded and C-130 began its taxi down the runway.
As the 2 soldiers sat with their report for Simpson and Gonzales, they talked. The Neutralizer looked at Gunner and said, “As good the mission went the situation presents us a mess……. A REAL MESS!!
I woke myself up laying on an old couch in the garage. Unfortunately for me, my wife Susan was standing looking right at me. “I’ll say this garage is a mess…. A REAL MESS MISTER! Time for you to wake up and get to work cleaning this mess up like you promised. “ Now get moving soldier!!”
Wow, I had done it again – another awesome dream. I looked at my wife Susan and said, “OK, I will get the garage cleaned up dear (and then take a nap to continue my secret life as the Neutralizer again!!!!)”.
~~Ralph Arata