Chicagoland MG Club
P.O. Box 455
Addison, IL 60101
Natter ‘n’ Noggin, Finn McCool's, Schaumburg IL— April 13, 2022
CMGC Meeting Mr. Beef and Pizza, Mt Prospect – April 18, 2022
Chicagoland MG Club’s National Affiliates

This card is from an original painting by Peter Miller G.M.A named; Spitfire MKX At Hendon. Of course, Spitfire refers to the airplane and the MG is, probably, a TC. Until the late 50’s, Hendon was a RAF base in North London. The card was sold by AvIATion Trading, a division of The Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund Enterprises. Please note that there is, what looks like, a German Shepard by the right front wheel. A few weeks ago, I sent this card to Neil Estes, from Neil’s Restorations in Decatur, GA to wish him a speedy recovery from his heart attack.
PS1: I’m happy to report that Neil recovered quite well and just celebrated his 80th birthday!
PS2: I don’t know what “G.M.A" stands for. The card shows no period (full stop) after the letter A which maybe a typo or not.
