May 2020

Spring Tune-up
Spring Tune-up Post-Mortem
Saturday April 18, 2020
The turnout was rather heavy this year at Don’s Auto Ade for the spring tune-up. After all it was a gorgeous day for a top down drive to scenic Warrenville. We had 27 MGs of various types along with 1 Miata. No major problems were initially found. Jim Renkar arrived in his ‘new’ Airline Coupe that he has secretly been restoring for the past seven years. Beautiful example of a rare MG. All went well until one of the lifts broke. Unfortunately Jim’s car was on it at the time. Fortunately there is a body shop right next door. They should have it repaired in a couple of months, ,,, ‘course we all know what that means in a repair shop time.
Dino Perez was also there in his MG limo, but he made Lisa sit in the back seat. He said it was just in order to maintain social distancing. Maynard did an oil change, but instead of using Castrol 20W50, he replaced the old oil with castor oil. He insisted that he did it on purpose, an experiment in renewable lubricants, but I smell something fishy there. We’ll see if it runs, ,,, or gets the runs.
Old time members will understand why Ann and Jake Snyder were using a simple wrench to help Cowboy Bralich install curb feelers to the front of his car. It’s part of the special Abingdon Auto-Cross package, available only on ‘The Works’ MGs from the factory. Or the Jim Evan awards program. Lastly, with all the area restaurants closed due to COVID-19, Wilbur Mennell bought beer and delivery pizza, not Delgorno, for everybody at the end of the day.
P.S. You have probably guessed by now that the above is fictitious (did I spell that right D?) That cheap SOB wouldn’t buy a round, let alone pizza, for everyone.

Car Care Safety Clinic for Seniors
May 9, 2020
A sure sign of Spring is the Naperville and Lisle Townships TRIAD Free Car
Clinic for Seniors, Saturday May 9, 2020 from 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 noon at the Lisle
Township, 4711 Indiana Ave., Lisle, IL 60532.
The safety clinic which provides a free 40-point safety inspection of vehicles driven by senior citizens (ages 50 and older). The event grows each year as the Triad organization’s outreach to seniors continues to expand.
Vintage and antique cars will again be on display; most are vehicles owned by our volunteer “car guys” who help perform the inspections. Chicagoland MG Club (CMGC) member Jim Vondran coordinates the Triad car safety clinics and really appreciates the enthusiastic participation of volunteers from the CMGC, the Chicago area Model T Club, and the Chicagoland Miata Club each year.
Please contact Jim directly at (630) 234-7102 to affirm your participation, either as an inspection team crew-member and/or displaying your vintage car, or just stopping by for a portion of the time so that our seniors can see your car while their vehicles are being inspected.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Due to the COVID-19 virus pandemic, this event might be cancelled. The Triad organization will make the determination on March 31st. Jim Vondran will notify us whether the event is on or cancelled.
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