Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline May 2021

Victor Lheureux
Monthly Meeting Minutes
April 19, 2021

21 Members in attendance

  CMGC President Phil Wydra opened the ZOOM meeting at 7:04 pm.

Car Projects
Ralph Arata
- Rattling on car discovered main bolt on hub was loose -
Ray Hansen - discovered exhaust system was loose, they reattached on main block - Ray can now hear himself in his own car. Ray receives award for the longest time on lift during the past Spring Tune-up due to one nut.
Paul Pickley - heard his car start on Saturday 4/17
Bill Kalafut - MGYB - discovered right hand drive - steering column runs right thru distributor.
Robert W. - now has a gas gauge on MG TF
Kevin C. - 5 hours to replace clutch - Yeaa..not bad timing
Resto - West Chicago - for some paint touch up was recommended by Kevin C

Staff Reports
Treasure report—Current Checking - 7411.58; Savings - 22,557.20; Total Savings - 29.968.78. There are a few membership checks currently in Jim Compton’s Hands for deposit.
Librarian – Paul Pickley - book check out by Kevin Carlson. Looking into getting DVD - Ford vs Ferrari for library.
Membership - 165 paid members

Old Business - more than likely Swap Meet & Autojumble will not happening this year.


Driving Events
Senior Car Clinic - May 8th - Jim Vondran - 8-12pm. Covid Compliant, Drivers stay in their car. There will be a bag of goodies handed out to participants. We have few volunteers so far i.e., Bill Kalafut, Gerald, Bill and Bob, Phil Wydra, Jim Vondran. I maybe missing a few - but I don't think so.

Natter Noggin - May 11th @ 7 PM - Finn McCool’s

Chicken Run - May 23rd Ray Hansen. Start at 10am – Starbucks in Deer Park. 2-hour drive - Fun Rally - some trivia. Back at Ray and Susan Home for some Chicken.

Lake County Fun Run (aka: Tour of Lake County) - June 6th - Ray Costa (VMGCC) Starts at 10am - more to come.

Blackhawk Farm- racing day July 5th – more info to come.

New Business
Website Committee Update - Last week - Chris Cooper - web developer did a presentation on Wild Apricot. This Wednesday there will be a Representative from Wild Apricot to do a presentation for committee meeting.

CMGC General monthly meeting - May - a representative from Little British Car Company, Ltd will be presenting.

With no further business to discuss, President Phil Wydra closed the business meeting at 8:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Melissa Gonzales for
Victor L’Heureux,
CMGC Secretary

British Wiring
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