Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline June 2020

Tales of the Mongrel
by Ralph Arata
The Neutralizer
"Smokey Mountain Rumble"
Chapter 2

Preamble - The Neutralizer had been called to the DOJ's anti terrorist base code named "The Farm". The Farm was the center of black ops assignments - those assignments were handed to the big fed, Ray Hansen, by the President due to their secret and covert nature. Ralph Arata, aka the Neutralizer, had finished testing a race prepared '72 MGB, hand-built by the Farm's automotive genius, Steve "the Doctor" Skegg. Leaving the Doctor's latest creation at an Air Force hanger at McGee-Tyson airport in Knoxville, Tenn, the soldier and Skegg were transported to the Farm's war room for a briefing by the big fed and the gorgeous and brilliant mission controller, Susan Simpson.

Day 2 at the Farm:
The White House had now been presented the ransom ultimatum from the notorious Sir William. Sir William, a former darling of the British MI6 and Parliamentary member turned rogue, was now on the CIA's most wanted list of international arms dealers. He now collaborated with Assad ad-Din Zanghi, a rising star in international terrorism and possible heir to Bin Laden's evil throne of destruction. Also, attending were 2 other members of the Farm's black ops team. The first was David "Hard Drive" Novak, who was the Farm's computer genius, and Dino "Gadgets" Perez the resident electronics expert and liaison to the "Doctor." They built into the small and nimble "B," an electronics systems more sophisticated than the Space Shuttle.

Simpson addressed the quorum. "The White House has now received the ransom message from Sir William. It is short and direct......provide $250 million in electronic bank transfer to an unknown bank account, and release 126 associates of Zanghi or face a nuclear consequence which is already in place on US soil!! Gentlemen, we know the where and how of the consequence". Simpson went on. "The situation must be tracked down and neutralized. Hard Drive can supply you approx. coordinates for where we last ID'd probable location of the tangos. Dave will fill you in. Gadgets has upgraded your remote satellite up-link and will travel back to Tennessee to update you on route". She concluded by looking at Arata. "You leave within the hour...stay frosty soldier. You require an associate on this mission and so we have assigned an ABLE TEAM member".

Russ Mehaffey, aka Gunner, was a high profile soldier of Able Team. Like the Neutralizer he had seen numerous US Navy Seal campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan, not to mention his collaboration with the Big Fed and the Farm! Simpson faced the Neutralizer and went on. "Do you have any issues with a partner"? The soldier cast a quick look at Simpson and said, "Wow, NO problems at all"! The Neutralizer and Mehaffey had spent many years together in the military sharing numerous Navy Seal Team events together. They were brothers-in-arms and had a mutual trust second to none. Mehaffey also had a quirky fondness of British cars and owned a 1959 MGA.

Gunner and the soldier flew together back to Knoxville where they caught up on old times, reviewed the event parameters and did a weapons check. Dino "Gadgets" Perez, updated both soldiers on the electronics in the MG for the mission. The "B" was fitted with an updated com link and state-of-the-art land adapter which Perez had re-engineered to all fit behind the MGB's radio console. Dino continued the tutorial......."the new com link gives us real time info on your whereabouts. Press of this button and the strike team from the farm, will be at your side in less than an hour. You now have heads-up display on the B's windscreen for both driver and passenger. Since we are not exactly sure where Sir William is hiding the bomb Gunner can track via his heads up display. The B's cameras, front, back and sides, send an image up to our satellite which bounces back as a live picture on the console's LED. This is a stealth operation until the bomb is located and you are in position to strike. That's it......any questions??" Gunner smiled at Perez and said, "Where are the batteries? " Perez just rolled his eyes and said "Very funny Gunner!"

Weapons check was next. The Neutralizer carried his trusty Beretta 93R in a quick-draw holster under his left arm and his Israeli 44Mag Dessert Eagle on his right waist holster. His usual Heckler & Koch MP5 sub gun completed the armament. Mehaffey favored the Sig Sauer NGSW-AR with its 6.8mm hybrid ammunition. He preferred its light weight and excellent suppression. The Beretta M92 9mm with laser sighting completed Gunner's arsenal. Both soldiers carried both frag and concussion grenades.

The two soldiers said their good-byes to Gadgets as he turned toward the C-130 waiting for him on the tarmac. The Neutralizer slid behind the 10-inch steering wheel of the MG and Gunner took shotgun position next to him. The ignition keyed and the engine came to life with a subdued roar. Their destination took them north on 129 through Knoxville where they would divert to Rt 25W and proceed to Oak Ridge, Tennessee from the north.

"ITS SHOW TIME", shouted the Neutralizer to Gunner!

"Hey, I'll say it’s showtime", said my wife Susan shaking me awake off the couch. "Now show me how you take the garbage out after a nice long nap"!!

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