Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline June 2022

Newer Directions
Monthly Column of Driving Events

Hello everyone!!

We are now in getting our Driving season going with more Tours and Rally’s on the calendar!!

June is a VERY BUSY month and with great weather a head of us, SO keep those tops down, shine up your MG’s and get ready to DRIVE SOME GREAT ROUTES!!!!!!

To quickly recap last month, thank you Jim Vondran for once again hosting and organizing another Car Care Safety Clinic for Seniors!! There was an IMPRESSIVE 67 cars that showed up! Thank you also to the Chicagoland MG Members and Vintage members who helped the seniors with their cars! It is a very gratifying day out for everyone who participated!!!!

For our 1st Rally event of the year, The Chicken Run Rally was once again a fun ride along with the challenging questions to answer along the route!!!! The roads we drove were MAGNIFICENT and the restaurant we ended up at Roosters was DELISH!!!!! Congrats to the Rally Winners: taking 3rd – George & Jana Phariss, coming in 2nd – Our DEAR Vintage club members -Rick & Nancy Maitzen and placing 1st – OUR PAST President and “First Lady” – Phil & Sandy Wydra!!! Thank you Ray & Sue for a most delightful and enjoyable event!!!!

June is a VERY BUSY MONTH where we will be in FULL GEAR with the following driving events and other sponsored Club events:

PLEASE COME OUT on Saturday June 4th to the GREAT ANNUAL LAGRANGE PET PARADE. Doug Clark is organizing and hosting this event and put a lot of time and effort into making sure we were closer to the front of the parade in line with our cars! I hope to see a lot of MG Members in their cars – parading for all to OOH and AWW over!!!! I’ll recap next month on how it went and hopefully note that it was a nice turnout with MG and Vintage cars!!!!!
I of course will be walking my DARLING BABIES – Sydney & Dolly – BEST BREEDS IN THE SHOW!! I will be pulling them in their Parade wagon with British flags waving about next to Tim driving the MGB!!!!

The NAMGAR GT-47 takes place in Colorado Springs, CO, Monday June 6th – Friday June 10th.

I am hoping most of you will attend Ray & Mardee Costa’s diving event – the Lake County Fun Run on Sunday, June 12th! It was a blast last year and I am looking forward to participating this year as well! Details can be found in the Driveline, website, and email blasts.

I hope everyone received the email blast with all the registration info for the car show at the Highland games!!! James & Jane Brennan will be hosting the car show portion of this event on Saturday, June 18th. There will be judging on all the British cars who are registered in the show! After you have watched some Highland games, get a bite to eat and


tasted some good Scotch….make sure to come see me and my Dandie Dinmont Terriers – Sydney & Dolly at the “MEET THE DOGS OF SCOTTLAND!! There will be many varieties of Scottish dog breeds to say hello to!!!

Reminder - The NAMGBR takes place in Lovely Peterborough, Ontario June 19th – 23rd.
I know Madam President, Melissa Gonzales, our Fearless leader is planning on going!! I hope to hear that there were many other members from our club who took this INCREDIBLE Drive and represented our FABULOUS club from Chicago!!! All information can be found online. I really wish Tim and I could go – Maybe next year…..

There is a BRAND-NEW driving event taking place on Saturday, June 25th you will most defiantly not want to miss out on….. Bill Kalafut & Jean Heasley are organizing and hosting an extraordinary day out. Plan to drive a beautiful scenic route to the private family museum! The Beller Museum. This should be a fascinating tour! There will be details in this month’s Driveline and on the website and email blasts.

Next month, in July there are only two events scheduled on the calendar. There is still time should anyone want to plan a Driving event, impromptu, or Rally!!!!! Just let me know and you will get your event on the calendar!!! The weekend of the 16th, Saturday the 23rd and the weekend of the 24th is still open!!!!!

The GOF, which is a weeklong event is taking place in beautiful LaCrosse WI on July 11th – 15th. This is not too far of a drive for us so I am confident I will see many members from both the Vintage and Chicagoland MG club! Hopefully you have all signed up – I know the hotels fill up fast! Information can be found online.

We have ANOTHER BRAND-NEW EVENT on Sunday July 24th Phil & Sandy Wydra are graciously hosting The Hot Dog Poker Run. I can’t wait to find out what this is all about!!! I’m sure Phil and Sandy will make this event a blast to participate in!!! There will be detailed information on this event in this month’s Driveline, website and email blasts!

Mark your calendars and keep these events in mind coming up in August: Westmont Cruisn’ Night Thursday-August 18, the Tally Ho Rally – Sunday, August 21 and the Halloween Rally-Sunday, August 28. More info to come on these events in next month’s Driveline.

Happy Father’s Day and ENJOY The Summer Solstice. (The First day of summer and longest day of the year) June 21st!!!! (Maybe someone wants to organize an ice cream gathering that night????) Just throwing it out there…………

Be Well & Safe!!

~~Jamie Schafer  

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