Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline August 2020

Tales of the Mongrel
by Ralph Arata
The Neutralizer
"Smokey Mountain Rumble"
Chapter 4

Preamble: Preamble: Sir William had collaborated with Assad ad-Din Zanghi, a rising star in international terrorism. A small nuke had been moved across the Mexican border to near the Oak Ridge, TN Nuclear Research Center. Unless the US government paid a $250MM ransom and released 126 of Zanghi's confederates the bomb would be detonated causing untold destruction. Ralph Arata aka the "Neutralizer" teamed up with long time friend Russ "Gunner" Mehaffey. The 2 soldiers were briefed and transported to the terrorist probable location. They drove in a race prepared 1972 MGB to where Dave, Hard Drive, Novak had spotted the bad guys via satellite.

Chapter 4: Using their Vortex Diamondback HD 15x56mm DB 218 binoculars the 2 soldiers were on site and quickly confirmed that the location Hard Drive had provided them, was indeed, the terrorist lair. There were at least 30 of Assad's soldiers present, easily ID'd from the Neutralizer's perch on a nearby hill. Neither Assad himself nor Sir William could be seen but they were most likely close.

The Neutralizer looked at his side kick, Russ "Gunner" Mehaffey. Gunner had his Barrett M82 sniper rifle, he lovingly called "Amy" close at hand. He had changed the gun's barrel to accommodate 40 calibre NATO rounds. The gun featured a gas driven auto bolt action making it semi auto. Gunner would stay back and cover the Neutralizer's approach using the rifle's 40MM scope and silencer. Mehaffey turned to Arata and smiled....."They will never know what hit them. Amy never misses". Arata looked back and said "Amy got a lot of boyfriends down there to handle. Don't let her get too rough".

Gunner secured his sniper position while the Neutralizer began his hard probe. With his headset turned on he prowled like a hungry big cat silently moving toward its prey. The soldier blended perfectly in his army camo with surrounding foliage. His HK5 sub gun on a tight back sling clinging securely. He reached the clearing and waited. He fixed the silencer to his Berretta 93R and set it for semi auto. The Neutralizer waited. The sun was to his back providing a slight advantage against 4 hard men guarding the SUVs parked in front of a cave entrance. 3 of the bad guys were facing the soldier with the 4th showing his back - apparently giving orders. The Neutralizer rose and tracking the Berretta left to right took head shots, silently downing all 4. Arata then heard 2 cracks from Amy and turned. Gunner came his headset. "You're getting old soldier. Good thing Amy and I are watching your back"! 2 more of Zanghi's hard guys had come behind the soldier but were now were down.

"OK, Gunner. So much for surprise attack. Give Amy a rest and come on down"! No response from Mehaffey but Arata knew he was on his way.

Noise came from the inside of the cave as Zanghi's followers ran forward guns tracking. The Neutralizer grabbed a concussion grenade and tossed it to the entrance. Hands over his ears and mouth wide open the Neutralizer knew the drill, but the Arabs inside didn't. Half a dozen of them lay about incapacitated. Arata came charging with Mehaffey right behind. The bad guys were coming up groggy but with guns blazing and the 2 soldiers stitched them in figure 8 patterns with deadly accuracy. More of Zanghi's henchmen came forward blood in their eyes but they were caught in a tight alley way in the cave so their fate was sealed as the 2 soldiers covered the gaps between the 2 earthen walls and took them down. Only minutes had passed and 22 of Zanghi's hard men were gone.............all quiet, NOTHING! What was wrong!! Russ and Arata looked at each other. Then they heard engines roar outside. Gunner threw a frag grenade into the back of the cave and the 2 solders headed for their car. Zanghi was on the move and probably had the nuke. RED ZONE!!

GUNNER, GO, GO GO!!!!!! The two ran for the cave entrance with the Neutralizer pressing the remote starter on the MGB. As they reached the cave entrance 3 more of Zanghi's men meet them but were powerless against the phalanx attack that Gunner and the Neutralizer gave them. 3 more gone but they also saw 2 GMC Yukon’s heading south from the area. The 2 soldiers ran for the MG which they reached in minutes. Arata took the 10' padded steering wheel while Mehaffey took shot gun position...literally! The soldier hit the B's gas and the British roadster did a 180 as the G-Force R1 175/50 - 25 tires dug for pay dirt. The pursuit was on, but the MG had a lot of distance to cover and the situation desperate. Zanghi had to be stopped now.

The Neutralizer's hand swept forward fast to hit the com sat feed to Hard Drive for a satellite to help in keeping track as precious moments were already lost annnnnnnnnnd............"Oh my God, I think I just smacked my wife in the face?????" I woke up in bed - 3AM in the morning. "Oh, maybe Susan didn't feel that. Maybe I'll just lay still..........." "OUCH!!" "Came the loud voice from my wife Susan. "--------------------"OPPS.....I am the Neutraliser in dreams, but I am in BIG TROUBLE for real tomorrow morning!!"

Note: Chapters 1, 2 & 3 can be found in the May & June and July issues of the Driveline.

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