Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline August 2022

Past Event

(Continued from page 6)

The docents were extremely knowledgeable, and the day couldn’t have been better. Jolie Fredette raced my valve cover car that afternoon while Jerry Cihak, Diana Gonzales, Phil Wydra and I attended the steering committee meeting. I got back to the VCR races in time to run my car a few more times, but despite a creditable showing (I didn’t come in last) against a large field, others took home the awards.

Dean & Kerry Hickenlooper won both the Funkhana and Class Awards.
The banquet was lovely. Tom Wilson regaled us with great stories and wonderful pictures of Abingdon, and then it was awards time. Awards won by our two clubs were as follows: Jerry Cihak’s TF took first in class. The Hickenlooper’s MGA also took a first. The Wydra’s chrome bumper MGB took a class award. Steven’s Sparks Midget took the Midget award, and the Kalafut’s YB took the award for its class. Jolie Fredette earned the Ladies Choice award, and (Surprise!) because so many of us drove our cars, we brought home the Paul Johnson award. Again.

I was up at the crack of dawn on Friday; however, the sun did not shine. Rain was forecast. I had my top up and my things packed, so I took off. One mile from the hotel the skies opened. It rained dogs, cats, mice, leopards, watermelons, and the occasional cantaloupe. I raced into a gas station and installed my side curtains, which hadn’t been on the TD since I restored it. To say they didn’t seal well is a gross understatement, but only the mice made it through the gaps. I motored on, over hill and down dale through buckets of water all the way to Madison, halfway home. From there it was just light rain. The windshield wipers worked well, and the towel I had with me served as a defroster. The only part of me that was wet inside the car was my body. My face remained dry. But we made it without incident. A good time was had by all, and certainly me. Most of the rest of our group waited out the rain and drove home that afternoon. We get to do this again next year in South Bend!

Jolie Fredette with Ladies Choice award

Car Show Award Winners
Early 4 Cylinder - First in Class 73 Reinout & Henneke Vogt 1931 M-Type Red
TF - Class Award 79 >B>Jerry Cihak 1954 TF 1250 White
MGA 1500 - Class Award 29 Dean & Kerry Hickenlooper 1959 MGA 1500 - Green
MGB Chrome Bumper - First in Class 26 Philip & Sandra Wydra 1973 MGB - Red
Midget - First in Class 50 Steve Sparks & Jody Simons 1965 Midget - Red
Variant - Class Award 28 Bill Kalafut & Jean Heasley 1953 MG-YB - Green
Ladies Choice - Jolie Fredette 86 1955 MG-TF 1500 – White

Special Award Winners
Paul Johnson Award goes to: The Vintage MG Car Club of Chicago with a point total of 2,109 miles
Most Cherished / Most Loved goes to: Bill Kalafut & Jean Heasley for their Green MG-YB

~~Ray Costa    

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