Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline August 2022

Past Event

(Continued from page 8)

Traveling back in time (and also to my local Norwegian roots), we had an informative tour event to Norsekedalan Nature & Heritage Center organized by the GOF committee. Situated in the Coon Valley region of Vernon County, the Heritage Center features a typical Norwegian 1800s settlement. Rich in history, there were buildings, artifacts and the early settler homestead exhibit which really make you appreciate our modern creature comforts. A farmers work is never done.

Another personal note which made this journey so extra special for me was connecting with family roots in Genoa, WI – just south of LaCrosse. A group of MGers drove the winding roads past my family farms, visited relatives at the graveyard on a bluff and met the Parish Pastor. Sparky and I stopped for lunch at the local watering hole where we met the buyers of my grandparents farm and heard interesting tales of family lore.

Do we have to walk??

Our journey home was not uneventful. Tops up, dancing and flirting with rain, Bill Kalafut’s YB was dragging its muffler and Phil Wydra’s MGB broke down in the middle of nowhere with electrical problems . Gladly, the multicar caravan had seasoned MG knowledge and spare parts (Jeff, Bill and Dean). The route that Sharon put together, however, made these impasses just a mild hiccup as we were surrounded by beautiful countryside scenery.

The Powell’s navigated us down Route 14 passing by many heritage sites including Boaz, WI where giant Mastodon Bones were found by 2 farm boys after a severe rain storm in 1897.

Chicagoland MGers came back with many awards and we were proud to be part of it. We are looking forward to future MG journeys!

~~Jody Simons and Steve (Sparky) Sparks    

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