Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline October 2022
Upcoming Events

Triad Fall Car Care Safety Clinic for Seniors
October 8, 2022 — 8 a.m. to 12 noon

Details are still in the works!!...Stay tuned!

It’s hard to believe that summer flew by so quickly. On Saturday, October 8th, we will be performing our pre-winter vehicle checks for our senior drivers. The location is to be determined from 8:00 a.m. to noon. These clinics, held in Spring and Fall each year, get larger each time it’s held.

As always, an operation like this requires volunteers to help with the inspections. Chicagoland MG club members have always been a key element to the success of these events, serving on vehicle inspection teams as well as displaying their vehicles for our seniors. Please set aside a few hours to participate in this fun-filled, yet very important service. Call or email me if you can participate.

Thanks so much in advance. I hope to hear from you soon! Jim Vondran—cell 630.234.7102

Wine, Cheese & Beer Tour
Drive with a Stop II
Sunday, October 9, 2022

We will repeat last year’s day trip with a leisurely drive from Deer Park (Illinois) into Wisconsin and finding the Kettle Moraine Scenic Drive then ending at Mars Cheese Castle in Kenosha.
2015 Wine, Cheese & Beer Tour

We are resurrecting this because we have to do something, and more driving is one of them! More details to come, so mark your calendar and stay tuned….

Please RSVP to:

~~ Russ & Amy Mehaffey
Rally Master and Rally Masterette,
Russ & Amy Mehaffey

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