Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline November 2020

Feature Article
Starve Rock outing
"Starving" to Drive Our MGs
We Drove to Starved Rock State Park

Starved Rock as viewed from the north side of the Illinois River, and the Illinois Waterway channel
On a brisk and windy October day, some CMGC members got behind the steering wheels of our MGs and drove to one of the state's most visited state parks - Starved Rock State Park. The impetus of the journey came about during a similar informal small driving outing in late September by club members to the Illinois town of Oregon.

Our former President, and current VP, Dean Hickenlooper took the bull by the horns and decided he would sponsor another one-day trip before the cold weather season arrived. Wearing our face masks, most of us met and left from his house and made a gas / bathroom stop at Yorkville where now four MGs and Dean's TR6 proceeded to drive convoy style on two lane roads to our destination.

We were all somewhat surprised at how crowded it was at this state park. At least two of the car parks were closed (since they were at capacity). Still, we were able to park together near the Lodge, and, while we had tentatively planned to eat lunch picnic style together, some opted to eat in the restaurant and some ate the food they brought with them in the Lodge's sitting hall - from where one could look out over the patio and see the fall foliage on the other side of the Illinois River.

The parking lot was crowded—I guess everyone wanted to get out of the house on this pleasant Autumn day.
Our return journey, again with all five LBCs drove in a caravan, featured a stretch of driving that was the most enjoyable - a hilly and curvy smooth section of tree-lined road (with the changing colors) that gave the drivers' arm and shoulder muscles a good workout.

All went well - no cars broke down or ran out of gas, and no one got lost (although there was a "straggler" whom the others had to wait on a couple of times so he could catch up...). Thanks to Dean for organizing this outing where we enjoyed each other's company, drove on fun roads, and saw some good fall colors.

Interior view of the lodge

Let's keep driving our MGs till the snow flies or the roads wear out - whichever comes first.

Safety Fast!
~~ Doug Clark      

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