Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline December 2020

Philip Wydra - 847-639-5739

Dean Hickenlooper - 630-607-2690

Secretary / Membership
Victor L’Heureux - 847-533-3916

Jim Compton - 847-922-9800

Driveline Editor
Victor L’Heureux - 847-533-3916

Victor L’Heureux - 847-533-3916

Paul Pickley - 847-530-0931

Driving Events
Jamie Schafer - 312-927-3155

Tech Coordinator
Stephen Skegg - 630-960-4930

Barney Gaylord - 630-946-3841

Facebook Coordinator
Kim Tonry - 630-968-4347

George Phariss - 847-566-5075

Jim Evans - 630-858-8192

Natter 'n' Noggin: Come and enjoy a British tradition of "talking and drinking" on the second Tuesday of each month, starting about 7:00 p.m. at alternating locations:
  ODD numbered months:
Finn McCool's Irish Pub
1941 E Algonquin Road
Schaumburg, IL 601732
  EVEN numbered months:
Anyway’s Pub
5 E Roosevelt Road
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181

Monthly Club Meeting: is held on the third Monday of each month (except no meeting in December). The meetings are from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at

just West of Route 83 on Route 64 (North Avenue) in Elmhurst.
(come early for dinner, drinks or chat).


What a year this has been. In March, we had a full Driving Season Schedule ready to go. Our cars were getting out of hibernation and the Spring Tune-up was in the works.
COVID was ramping up and most of us were concerned that a few driving events might be delayed or cancelled. Little did we know that this virus was going to affect the entire year! Many of us took it in stride and used the ‘Shelter in Place’ as an opportunity to address a few maintenance issues that didn’t get done over the winter.

The most difficult item was the feeling of isolation – no meetings to attend and share experiences, no driving tours with fellow members, and no sharing driving adventures over a cool libation. ZOOM meetings were unheard of, but now are as common as a phone call. Social events with friends and eating out at a restaurant were taboo.

Now we are firmly into the holiday season – Thanksgiving turkey dinner is reduced to leftovers in the fridge, holiday music on the radio, and email shopping advertisements bombard our computer screens.

I personally feel we are heading for a better year in 2021. We are getting positive information regarding the COVID vaccinations and I am optimistic that we will have a driving season to again share the road and its adventures with fellow members. Maybe it is time to order some more MG repair parts.

Happy Holidays and don’t forget to vote!
See you on the road.

> Important Election and Membership Dues announcement?, page 5
> Tech Stuff – Refurbishment Project, page 6
> Feature article – The Death & Rebirth of an E-Type, page 8


The Club welcomes all MG enthusiasts to call on its gatherings. Please call any person listed above for more information.
The Drivelineis published by the Chicagoland MG Club. It is the sole property of the Chicagoland MG Club. Reprinting of its contents is allowed by members and other car clubs with credit for original source. Please keep in mind that the technical advice and opinions offered are those of their authors and do not necessarily represent those of the club as a whole. Modifications and procedures presented may violate state or federal laws. They might not even work. The Driveline and the Chicagoland MG Club will not be liable for any consequences. Send all Driveline Newsletter contributions to Victor L’Heureux care of
Deadline for submissions is Friday after the monthly membership meeting.
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