Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline December 2020

Victor Lheureux
Monthly Meeting Minutes
November 16, 2020

20 Members in ZOOM video meeting

CMGC President Phil Wydra opened the meeting at 7:05 pm.

Meeting Minutes -October meeting minutes as written in the Driveline were approved.

Car Projects:
Brian Dubin
noticed a wet spot on the garage floor. There appear to be leaks all over the engine space. Working on resolving the issues.
Bill Kalafut - Noticed no oil pressure on his MG. After going through all the possibilities, found the problem to be an incorrect oil pump gasket installed.

Staff Reports
Treasurer - Jim Compton
- Reported earlier this month the accounts are: $3,247 checking, $25,055 savings, Total $28,302.
Library - Paul Pickley No report.
Membership - Victor L’Heureux New Member packet was sent to one new member earlier this month. Paid membership is now 210 members. Voting ballot and dues envelopes will be distributed shortly along with the 2020 Membership Directory.

Driving Event
Doug Clark
noted the Fall Tune-down and Chili Party held at Dave Bralich’s house was attended by 20 members. No major work was performed. Several neighbors were taking pictures of the cars and talking with the CMGC members in the cull-du-sac.


New Business.
Golden Pheasant Restaurant
- As of this week, no contact with this facility regarding reopening for meetings. Due to the COVID restrictions, we will be holding our club meetings via ZOOM for the near future.
Elections - Nominations were entertained for staff positions. Melissa Gonzales was nominated for Vice-President by Dean Hickenlooper. Nomination was seconded and accepted. With no additional nominations, the slate was closed.

Holiday party - A virtual CMGC Holiday party was proposed by Doug Clark and hosted along with VMGCC member Brian Dugan. A ZOOM meeting would be set up and several events would be organized - one being an in-home scavenger hunt. Event to be held on December 12 at 7:00 pm. More info will be in the Driveline.

With no further business to discuss, meeting closed at 7:37 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Victor L’Heureux,
CMGC Secretary

Welcome New Members!

The officers and members of the Chicagoland MG Club extend a cordial “MG Welcome” to the new members who have joined our club in recent months. We wish you “Safety Fast” and hope you will avail yourself of as many club activities as you can.

Gerald Chapman Palatine IL 1973 red MGB GT
Bob & Pam Dodson Oswego IL 1978 MG Midget
Brent & Lory Newcomb Elk Grove Village IL 1964 MGB

Note: To any member whose name does not appear above, your application may have missed our deadline.
If you don’t see your name next month, call our Membership Chair, Victor L’Heureux at (847) 533-3912 to verify

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