Letter to Jim Mateja
CMGC President Maynard Hirsch gave Chicago Tribune auto writer Jim Mateja the chance to possibly change his well known opinions on MGs. The following is re-printed from the Sunday, July 26th Chicago Tribune Auto Letters section.
Q: I believe I know how you feel about MGs. I'd like to offer you an opportunity to find out why MGs have such a loyal following. On Aug. 13 the annual 24-hour Round the Lake Endurance Rally will leave from Grand Rapids, Mich., and I would like you to be my navigator and co-driver.
M.H., Addison
A: Thanks for the invite but that's the day we've set aside to comb our hair. By the way, how many days does it take for the 24-hour MG rallye?
Comments to Mr. Mateja should be directed to