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CMGC: Officers for 2024

CMGC: Officers for 2024

Even though this year’s election was uncontested, it is no less important than any other year. Melissa Gonzales has retained the position of CMGC President. Paul Pickley will again serve as Vice-President, Kevin Carlson will stay on as Treasurer. Sharon Powell will continue as Secretary A thank you goes out to Dave ‘Cowboy’ Bralich for again serving as our election official.

President Melissa Gonzales, Melissa is the owner of 1979 MGB LE and has been a CMGC member since August 2017. She is a current member of NAMGBR and has attended the national meets. She has been involved with MGs since she was 7 years old and it has been a big part of her life. Her mother and father traveled from east to west and north to south with their MGs and she hopes to do the same. Her motto ‘keep calm and carry on the MG legacy’. Melissa also serves on the website committee.


Vice-President Paul Pickley, Paul has been in this club since April of 2020. He joined the club shortly after the purchased of his first MGB. Paul currently has a 1977 MGB that is running well. He still considers his car a project, but that’s kind of what got him into these cars. Paul’s father had an MGB when he was a kid which started the interest MGs. Paul also serves on the website committee.


Secretary Sharon Powell, Sharon has been a club member since 1979, serving as secretary the first time in the early 80’s. She previously owned a 1967 MGB and a 1958 Magnette ZB. Her and her husband Jeff currently own a 1971 MGB (that Jeff purchased new) and a 1948 MG TC. Both cars have been on many MG club trips (Midwest and eastern US and Canada) over the past 40 years. Their motto is: The family that MG’s together, stays together. “We are grateful for all of the friendships we have made over the years through this club.”

Treasurer Kevin Carlson, Kevin owns a 1969 MGB which has seen some track time at Blackhawk Farms, Milwaukee Mile, and Road America. Kevin has been a member since 2004 and accepted the club’s treasurer position in May 2022. Advocates that the technical expertise of members and driving events are the essence of the club.

Date - Time - Location

December 31, 2024 at 12:00 am CST

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