Celebrate 100 Years of MG with John Twist at the 32nd Annual Champagne British Car Festival The Champagne British Car Festival (CBCF) is just around the corner, June 2-4, 2023 in Bloomington, Illinois. This is the 32nd anniversary of the Festival and you can expect an amazing weekend of British car activities. This all-British car…
CMGC has regularly scheduled club meetings with presentations relating to the care and feeding of your car, as well as other auto related topics.Third Monday of each month (except December – no meeting).
Food, Fun and Beautiful British cars: British Boots and Bonnets are inviting our club members to their country house that sits on many acres, there are 3 barns full of MG and other British cars and parts. Super interesting to see, what is required is to have a good drive and a good time -…