On the second Wednesday of each EVEN month we gather together in a more informal environment for Natter‘n Noggin, a British term for a pint and a casual conversation. This offers a good opportunity for a relaxing gathering and a chance to chat with club members about MG’s and other topics.
New Location: DuPage County Fair Grounds The British Car Show Will Take Place On Saturday - June 15th. Eligible cars are those that were manufactured in the United Kingdom including Northern Ireland. They can be of any age or condition and typically we have a large variety of make, age and condition. We hope you…
Welcome to GOF Central 2025! A ! The Ohio Chapters of the MGTs and the BuckAyes of NAMGAR invite ALL MGs and their owners to have an Octagonal Time in the Heart of Ohio at the Cherry Valley Hotel in Newark, Ohio June 17th-21st, 2024. Why will it be an Octagonal time? One reason is…
CMGC has regularly scheduled club meetings with presentations relating to the care and feeding of your car, as well as other auto related topics.Third Monday of each month (except December – no meeting).
THE LONGEST DAY (IN OUR MGs) This spring, some of us might have been fortunate enough to celebrate and witness a potentially once-in-a-lifetime astronomical event - a total solar eclipse. Soon, an annual astronomical event will occur - the Summer Solstice (Thursday 20 June). Why not celebrate it - in our MGs? What could be…