Dr. Doolin MG Engine Rebuild
Engine and transmission removal
Engine dismantling
Cylinder head dismantle
Cylinder head rebuild
You’ve been asking for it, and after years we finally obtained a copy. This copy has been re-worked from the original VHS tape (no, it’s not pirated) so it’s a little grainy. It’s in Brit-speak, but I think we will all know the terminology. He does break for tea, but I think that’s just a euphemism for malt soda. The disc is broken down into six sections:
1. Intro
2. Engine and trans removal
3. Engine dismantling
4. Cylinder head dismantling
5. Cylinder head rebuild
6. Engine rebuild
All of this in an hour and a half, probably a little faster than you can do it in your garage, even with Steve
Skeggs’ help.