Free Car Safety Clinic For Seniors
at Lisle Public Works Garage, Lisle, Illinois
May 11, 2013

The Naperville and Lisle Townships TRIAD, in conjunction with the DuPage County Sherrif's Office, the Lisle Police Department, the Village of Lisle Fleet services, Lisle High School, and vintage/antique automobile owners was providing comprehensive auto inspections for seniors. The multiple point inspections check fluids, battery, belts, hoses, tire condition and pressure, vehicle lighting and more. This free service is provided to help ensure vehicles are safe for senior drivers.

The Chicagoland MG Club Safety Inspection Team
This is the second year for participation of the Chicagoland MG Club in this public service day. This year there were about 38 client cars visiting for the inspection service somewhat more than the prior year. CMGC has been fielding minimally one inspection team of 3 or 4 members, although this year we had a few more members participating. We also provide some of our classic cars for the clients to see and enjoy while they are waiting for their inspections to be done.

Hiding in the background of some of these photos were some vendor information tables. A brief senior safe driving class was also being offered. With four inspection teams we could keep the lines moving. We had about three dozen cars serviced between 8:00 and 11:30 am, and a few more rolled through before the noon closing time.
CMGC members participating were: