2023 – GOF Central
Welcome to GOF Central 2023!
Celebrating 100 Years of the MG Sports Cars
The Olde Octagons of Indiana and Hoosier MGs are proud to host GOF Central 2023, the premier MG event of 2023 in the Midwest where we will be celebrating the Centenary of MG sports cars.
This is the 42nd Gathering of the Faithful (GOF) in the Midwest. GOFs started as an annual gathering bringing together owners and enthusiasts of MG T-series cars (T-series were made 1936-1954). Started in the 1960s by the New England MG T Register, GOFs have for many years been held annually regionally (northeast, Midwest, south, and west). The event is an opportunity for fellowship, camaraderie, and sharing of MG experiences and technical know-how.
While a GOF has traditionally been an event for T-series MG owners, MGs of all years and model groups are welcomed. In 2023 this GOF Central will be the national meet for the North American MMM Register, featuring MGs built in the 1929-1936 era. Known as the MMMs (for Midget, Magna, and Magnette) these are the MGs that blazed the successful competition trail for MG. There will also be a large number of later model MGs – MGAs, MGBs, Midgets, and others. All MGs and enthusiasts – regardless of model year – are invited!
GOF Central 2023 will be in South Bend Indiana, conveniently located for all in the Midwest. Headquarters is the new Embassy Suites, adjacent to Notre Dame University. It is easy to get to, and provides the perfect environment for all our activities.
A full list of events and activities is planned – MG History, Technical Sessions with good information, entertainment, drives, and special car shows.
We encourage you to join us for the 42 GOF Central. It’s sure to be a memorable event, and a wonderful birthday party for MG.
Hope to see you all there!
June 20, 2023 - June 23, 2023
GOF Central 2023
South Bend, IN 46617
Greg Peterson, GOF 2023 Chairperson