2022 Westmont Cruise Night - Results

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Organizers - Bill Kalafut & Jean Heasley

Peoples Choice

Best Car to pick up a date in - Dean & Kerry Hickenlooper 59 MGA

Most likely to be pulled over by the police - Dino & Lisa Perez RV8

Belongs in a museum - Bill Kalafut & Jean Heasley 53 YB

Has the best paint job - Jeff Sikora 68 MGB

Is my favorite MG - Jerry Cihak TF

Least likely to make it home - Jeff & Sharon Powell 48 TC

2021 Westmont Cruise Night - Results

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Organizers - Bill Kalafut & Jean Heasley

Peoples Choice

1st Place – Brian Donnelly - TC

2nd Place – Bob Lee - TD

3rd Place – Jerry Cihak - TD

4th Place - Lisa & Dino Perez - Mini

5th Place - Kerry & Dean Hickenlooper - MGB V8

6th Place - Tom Raddatz - MGB V6

Walking Rally Winners

1st Place - Walt Kreitling

2nd Place - Tom Raddatz

3rd Place - Jamie & Tim Schafer