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Fuel Pump Problems
This tip may save some time and effort for other British sports car owners whose cars have fuel pump trouble.
Last summer, my '65 Midget developed a particular ailment. Both float bowls would seriously overfill, flooding the engine and the ground with gasoline. This was, to the best of my knowledge, due to dirt in the needle and seat. Off came the float bowl covers and a thorough cleaning, re-assembly and starting the motor. Flooding again. I checked the float level on both carbs -3/8", per specs! I then traveled to Moss in Goleta and explained this situation to sales advisor R.B. Hart.
I left feeling satisfied with my purchase of Grose-Jets, the sure cure for original style needle and seat difficulties. After installation of the Grose-Jets - same dilemma.
To make a long story short, after several inquiries to mechanics familiar with S.U. carbs, (all said the same thing, dirt in carbs) I happened to ask if the fuel pump could possibly develop too much fuel pressure. This wise mechanic confirmed my hunch and informed me that 3-4 lbs. fuel pressure was the max the pump should develop.
I hurried home, dug out the pressure tester and my worries were over. 12 1/2 lbs. of pressure were coming out of old faithful.
A trip to the local parts store and the purchase of a pressure regulator had me back on the road again. I will replace the fuel pump and keep the pressure regulator in place, knowing that should the fuel come flowing from the float bowls again, it is dirt!
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