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Audible Directional Flasher
Here's a tech tip for those of us whose hearing is not what it used to be when we were younger, or those of us who are younger and just can't hear the directional flasher or see the flasher indicator light, especially with a top down in daylight. Since the time delay, even when set at max, does not give a long flashing interval, it is useful to know when it has stopped, in order to make turning intentions more obvious.
I purchased a Radio Shack catalog 12-volt mini buzzer for just under $3.00. Just mount it anywhere it is convenient under the dash and on the driver's side. This is most easily done with double-backed foam mounting tape (3M). Then run the black wire through the firewall and connect it to the center flasher terminal. Ground the red wire under the dash. This buzzer emits a sound that is not the most pleasant, so take one turn of black vinyl electrical tape around it to cover the sound louvers and mute the buzz.
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