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Tail Lamp Reflectors - part 2
At 01:30 PM 1/30/05 -0500, Darryl McLendon wrote:
While attempting to get my hands on a sheet of Silver Mylar I came across a product called Bare-Metal Foil by Bare Metal Foil Company in Farmington, MI. As the company name implies, this material is an adhesive backed foil that I suspect is aluminum. It comes is various colors, I chose their Ultra Bright Silver to use on the tail/brake light reflectors on my B.
It is applied by cutting the desired size / shape from the 6" X 11" sheet, removing the backing and applying the foil to the reflector. It goes on similar to "Gold Leafing" used in antique furniture restoration. By applying the foil carefully it can be smoothed out by using an artist's brush to take the shape of the reflector perfectly. There is on need to try to cut the foil to fit the shape, just cut it into squares and / or rectangles and let it overlay as it may. Once it is smoothed out with the brush it is extremely difficult to detect the over layment even with the lens off. You cannot see it with the lens on. Looks like fresh chrome.
I found the Bare-Metal Foil sheets at a local high end model shop. If you have difficulty in locating an outlet, the Bare Metal Foil Company can be reached at 248-476-4366 or 248-477-0813 or www.bare-metal.com
This worked so well on my brake light reflectors I used the remainder on my turn / parking lights on the front and on all four side marker lights. What a difference.
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