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MGB Hood Release
The hood release cable on my '75 MGB has always been a source of lurking mistrust, ever since purchasing the car "used" several years ago. If the cable should break at the release mechanism or become otherwise disabled (i.e., my kind of luck), it would be necessary to cut the grille-screen or other adjacent panel to gain access to the release lever actuated by the cable.
An easy solution to this potential "nightmare" dilemma is provided by a common plastic wire-tie.
Install a heavy duty 14 in. length wire-tie as follows (see diagram)
Form the loop end around the under-hood release lever tip as shown.
Route the remaining wire-tie length over the top of the cable sheath and through the panel hole used for hood safety catch. (route must provide smooth pull-action for "tie".)
Tuck the tail of the tie in position along the grille-screen so that it can be easily accessed by reaching through the cut-out in the rubber bumper (right hand side facing car)
Your emergency hood release is ready if needed!
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