The MGA With An Attitude
BOOT FLOOR to REAR VALANCE Joint Sealing #2 -- BD-107A
Sealing the joint (big gap) between the boot floor and rear body valance. This was originally filled with a thick pad of horsehair that was stapled to the back flange of the boot floor during original body assembly welding. That packing had gone away with the first restoration work in 1977 when the body was dipped and etched by Ready Strip. I started by stuffing in a piece of plastic tubing 5/16 ID x 7/16 OD (about 3-1/2 feet long) to fill most of the space. Last time I did this all from inside the boot. This time it seemed easier to install the tubing from underneath.

I pressed the tube into the gap until it was flush with the bottom of the flange on the boot floor all the way across.
I temporarily applied Duck tape underneath to keep the tubing in place and assure that no caulking could dribble out the bottom. Then I stuck an 8-inch length of the same plastic tubing on the nozzle of caulking gun to reach the gap from inside the boot. This tube was taped together with a piece of stiff wire to keep it straight. Once the caulk was applied a half-width paint stirring stick was used to smooth it in place. Give it a day to dry, remove the Duck tape, and spray a little paint on both sides to camouflage the calk (if you like).