The MGA With An Attitude
BOOT LID SEAL, Moss Motors #2 -- BD-116B
This is a replacement part for BMC part number AFH1753, Sealing rubber for boot lid on the MGA. It is the current issue (late 2010 to early 2017) Moss Motors USA part number 280-714.
On Jan 16, 2017, Joe Ahrberg in Hoosick Falls, New York, USA wrote:
"I have one of the new style Moss seals that is hollow. I was hoping to see it lift the edges of the trunk a little as they sat low without the seal. Well, it lifted them alright. They were as much at 3/16" high in places, and I could barely get the latch to catch even at its' most extreme adjustment. The seal seemed to be not only too high but too wide also, and when it was stuffed into the channel it stuck up like a sausage.
"I figured I didn't have anything to lose and decided to 'trim' it. I set up two pieces of wood on my small band saw to guide the seal through and take a thin cut off the bottom. It worked like a charm. The modified seal sits nicely in the channel raising up the edges just enough and to 'pop' the trunk perfectly".

Far left the MacGregor seal that works well. Near left, the Moss seal that is soft, but a bit too thick.